SB Labs

Who all here takes gear

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IFBB Pro -Coach - sponsored athlete
Staff member
@members i want to take a poll. Who on here takes gear! What level are you? Beginner or expert? Do you take for TRT or bodybuilding or for powerlifting! Let’s hear from everyone. I’m getting more involved again.
Text Voting GIF by Petland Florida
Been on gear for 28 years. Currently on my own version of HRT to maintain. Downsized a lot for health reasons. Used to compete at 224Lbs dehydrated at morning weigh ins, with an off season weight of 265Lbs. Competed for years and did very high doses up to 5+ grams a week. Now I weigh around 185-190Lbs. 55 years old.
I am 49 years old always been of a bigger size very broad.
Here in Canada I have low testosterone and it was almost impossible to get any kind of therapy
So I do my own t400 twice a week 1 mg each
I don’t lift weights although I would love to start again and I’ve been on this schedule for 9 years
Oh man bro. I remember years ago I came off for health reasons and was off for over a year felt like complete garbage till I talked to my dr about testing my levels.
Sweet. I always did my own also when I’m not competing or bulking.
Hmmm… gear for about 33 years or so. Shameful enough…I can’t recall everything I’ve taken in the beginning. Decadurabolin, dbol, winstrol v, methyltest, cyp/prop/en, eq, primo, tbol, prov, anavar…several others i can’t recall at the moment.

Currently (at 62yo) I’m just trying to hang on to “something” that resembles a manly physique with some man strength. Basically a washed up meathead.

I’ve got scripted trt… “250mgs cyp in one injection every two weeks”.

Here’s what I really take:

I pin ~125 mgs cyp every 3-5 days

I take proviron when I have it. Maybe 5 months total out of a year.

Tbol 25-50 mgs on training days (3 days a week)

Cialis 10-20 mgs every other day

I have a vial of Masteron Enanthate I’m going to use some time after the first of the year. Don’t remember if I’ve ever tried that before.
Capzper said:
I don’t lift weights although I would love to start again
Some friendly advice brother. You’re entering The “crunch” years. Probably not a bad idea to get back at the weight stack. You don’t have to kill your self but there’s science behind resistance training helping the quality of life of (clears throat) senior citizens. You’re not there yet but you’re approaching it.
3 and 2/3 been on gear I’ve using lower test the last two cruises feel great lifts suffer for sure but that may also be I slack after meets. Powerlifter and I can only imagine the numbers I may have done if I never left the gym. That said I had fun and still will go down with elite numbers so fuck it
Definitely no rookie here lol. MastE is amazing love it. Be on look out for a follow up to this post this is going to be something you need not just you all of us
So true. Lifting weights can increase your life span.
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