Who here has crohns disease

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Well-known member
Hi guys i have been away for a while since i have been battling some some stomach and colon issue. I recently had surgery done where they removed a footv from my colon and was diagnosed with crohns disease. Anyone in here with it? And on gear
Darn dude. That’s brutal. I’ve had friends that have gone through that but none that are enhanced.

I’ve got one buddy, older like me that had some lower intestine removed. He gets b12 shots occasionally.
Yeah they giving me b12 shots once a month well im doing it but sent by them. I have my stuff on standby but idk what could happen lol waiting for my 3 months to come up to see how i feel
Probably best to wait for full(ish) recovery. I guess when the doc gives the go ahead to start training again, maybe restart your gear usage… thinking out loud.
Yeah thats what im aaying too. He told me 3 months. Full recovery. Just wanted to see how others are doing who have crohns disease
Yeah i was reading up on it now. They have it oral or injection. I see my gastro the 7th and ima see what are his thoughts. Im at 6 weeks after my surgery now.
I can’t believe I didn’t think of this! I’m a goober. I’ve been deep diving into this stuff.

@Cadillac_305 YES this stuff is supposed to have good gut “repair/health” properties.

I believe oral is a good route for gut health.
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