SB Labs

Whoa, definitely felt that one!


Well-known member
Trying to get my day started this morning, got my exercise plan figured out, getting ready to hit the door running…
Got about half way into a jog with big plans to have a great workout and suddenly my body just said no… got real winded fast, legs got tight, and all motivation just stopped. As im walking home im trying to figure out what just happened, and I came to a conclusion that it could only possibly be how I ate the day before…
So far for this holiday weekend my family and I have done non stop running back and forth to friends houses and haven’t stopped to eat properly or normal. So that was my only reasoning to why i was feeling like that, and right before i left also my wife told me “maybe you should take the day off”…
Pretty sure it’s happened to all of you before and curious if it has was it because of previous day diet?
It’s possible I know a lot of people say what u eat today your body will use tommorow! Definitely sounds like a lil extra rest probably wouldn’t hurt either!
I have had shitty workouts the day after eating crappy for sure bud! Hasnt happened in a long time because i stay on a diet year round nowadays but best thing to do is get back to your normal eating habits asap and do the best you can in gym till the shitty food is out of your system. Drink a lot of water also
I usually drink about 1/2 to 1 gallon of water before im done with work for the day in the summer, but it comes out quick because I work in a factory, still consume nothing but water at home
I did end up taking the day off… wasn’t gonna try and push it. Definitely not worth the risk of injury
Always listen to your body. Don’t risk an injury. I sure as hell cant afford one. Thats why I don’t lift super heavy anymore.