Why don’t I hear much about sus250


Active member
So does using a shorter ester test keep the bloodlines more stable then a longer ester? Never really hear about guys running sus250 that often, just curious, I personally have only used sus in my cycles and love it never had a problem with it, I was injecting twice a week and wondered why guys would want to inject almost everyday but it would make sense if the stability in the blood stays more consistent throughout the cycle, recommendations are very welcomed and would love some feedback, hopefully I don’t come off as ignorant for this pretty basic question but still learning and growing as well to the rules so apologies if this goes against any 🙏
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No such thing as a dumb question on this place. You’ll have to go to another site to get berated and bashed. Hahaha.

Now there very well might be some nudging to keep you from doing something potentially harmful to yourself.
Yes, keeping your levels steady is always better. The hormonal roller coaster is terrible from all standpoints.

There’s some fellas on here that have found success with micro dosing every day.
For me I like test e for a blast and test c for a cruise. I personally don’t like Sustanon because of the different esters. Its much easier to control your levels with 1 ester than with 4 esters pumping different amounts of testosterone over 6wks I believe before 1 shot will clear your system completely.

There’s a large group that loves Sustanon though but most of them cruise and blast with it and over a long period I guess it can be good because the deconate definitely keeps testosterone in you for along time.

Definitely atleast 3x a week with Sustanon every other day is perfect in my opinion but as @Poppy said micro dosing is really catching on which would be a shot every day maybe 2x a day to keep levels as stable as possible.
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I loved sustanon, 18 years ago… it was always easy to find around here, whether it was readyjects, fort dodge labs sus 250, Omnadren… it was plentiful and cheap. That being said, I’m with @Bigmurph, 1 ester is much easier to control blood levels than 4 esters… if I ever get into micro dosing and daily injections, I’d probably give sustanon another honest shot though
Definitely it just depends upon the protocol. Honestly if you micro dose it doesn’t even matter which ester you use micro dosing will give you stability in your levels.
I have a question about sust. I have a bottle of 250. I usually cruise on Test C at 250 a week. I am looking to use the sust, but I am unsure how to make it equivalent to the test c 250 dose? Any ideas?
Sust 250 is equivalent to test c 250 there both 250mg of testosterone what makes the difference is the esters which have different weights so there might be less available testosterone with sust but it lasts longer than test c so it has that im not a fan but pin 3x a week mwf or the best eod with sust instead of 2x a week with test c and you will be at the same level just higher peaks and valleys unless inj more often until you have been using it for along time.
Ok. I was trying to figure out how to pin it to keep my levels similar. So three times a week, 1/3 ml would likely do it? I was doing twice weekly test c.