Yes, another "cutting cycle" thread


I’m looking to start something that will keep as much muscle as possible will being calorie deficit. Hoping for some advice as I’m still new. I have done several cycles and have experience with test e c p, deca, Tbol, whinny. I’ve had no bad sides and blood work in check with all these. I’ve been looking at tren and test for 8 wks then adding something for the 9-12 weeks then back to cruise. Maybe even a tren/mast/test mix form a sponsor.

I want something that works but also makes me feel good. Are the tren sides that bad on say 250/wk? Should I look at something like NPP instead? I feel great on deca so i’d probably like NPP. But everyone knows how great tren works so it’s tempting.

Other thoughts/questions?
You didn’t say but it sounds like you haven’t had to much experience with anabolics. I’m not sure you are ready for tren. It is a powerful steroid. Although tren is great for cutting, it just sheds bf and it’s almost impossible for me to pack on fat.

I will have to say try Test, Primo is also great for cuts. And either Var or tbol. Primo, var and tbol are both anabolic which will protect against muscle loss without a lot of androgenic sides.
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I did post several compounds I’ve tried over the past 3-4 years. I’ve been on TRT for about 5 years. Do you feel there’s a certain number of compounds, years, or cycles someone should experience before tren? Or say a compound ladder to get to tren?

I’m very interested in primo and var. I like tbol.

I appreciate your input.
I agree I’m probably over thinking it. I was ready to pull the trigger about an hour ago then thought, wellll maybe I’ll look into something else. lol
The sides on 200/wk have to be mild.
Bwayne45 said:
I did post several compounds I’ve tried over the past 3-4 years. I’ve been on TRT for about 5 years. Do you feel there’s a certain number of compounds, years, or cycles someone should experience before tren? Or say a compound ladder to get to tren?
I don’t think is a certain number. But I do feel like tren isn’t necessary until you reach a level where it’s going to get you to the next steps. It has a lot of sides to manage and requires some knowledge of knowing how your body is doing that comes from experience. You also have to worry about prolactin and have to keep caber on hand along with some AI for test. It just ends up being a lot of stuff to worry about and keep on top of.

Is tren going to get the job done, you bet. But I also found primo with var great for cutting and preserving muscle with very little to no sides. Tbol would also be a good oral option.
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Youve got the experience under your belt, so why not. I think alot of what you read about Tren sides is " bro science" . You won’t know how you react to untill you do it. For me I can run 700mgs a week with just some night sweats and a lil Tren cough here and there. Some guys react differently, start small with say 200mgs week of the acetate , quick in and quick out.
I overthink a lot of shit in my life, but sometimes clime in this instance it may be a good thing l, keep us updated
You can cut on anything. You’ll hold the muscle on just about anything if you eat properly. My first show was the one I got the most shredded. My buddy who’s dad was Mr. Universe in the 70’s had me use test only until 3 months out. Then I did deca only for a month. Followed by primobolan only for a month. The last month I only did winstrol-V from a veterinarian in Los Angeles. I used halotestin the last week. I was using insulin the whole time. It’s was 1995. Things were very different back then.
These days I’d say just do test prop, tren ace, and masteron prop. Doses depend on tolerance and experience. If you have clean receptors I would just do 50-100mg EOD of each. I honestly think 50mg EOD each is enough to hold the muscle if you intake 50 grans of protein 8 times a day. I believe in high protein while cutting, moderate carbs, and very low fat. This is how used to we cut in old days. Nobody had fat in their diet while cutting for a show. It’s not healthy but you get glute striations if you can handle it. It’s not easy. No fat in the diet means you’ll be hungry all the time. Do cardio daily too. I did 30 minutes on weight lifting days and 2 hours on off days.
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Thats what I said. Plenty of AAS that can get the job done without as many side effects and having to watch and manage those side effects