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You should feel safe.... she says so

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Everyone sees Antifa on the ground but they say its white supremecists lol? Cause all the politicians are against Trump and Pro Soros and Antifa.

Now they want people to think white supremecists were rioting because they were angry that a white cop murdered a black guy too. Gtfo with that shit.

That place gets what they deserve voting for liberals. All the cops involved should be on trial for murder or manslaughter. But only 1 of those cops was white.

Here’s their mayor

Here’s their Attorney General


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Ever watch the documentary Grey State?

I don’t believe this is a leftist or far right issue, this is a government as a whole issue. People blindly follow this politician or that one. When in actuality they are all corrupt and could give two shits about the average American.
I have seen cops go into cell phones without a warrant, I have seen them trample on people’s constitutional rights,and that’s in a small town. Most people cannot afford a lawyer and are unaware exactly what their rights are.
Notice those are all the most outspoken radical left democrats against Trump. Hell the pics with Schumer and Pelosi are at their own homes even.
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I’d say we have a problem with money from wealthy people in government. On both sides

Everyone knew Epstein, until they didn’t, Trump included.
We had the mayor on tv telling us they knew ANTIFA was coming here. They came in Uhauls and busses from outside the city. How the fuck do you know about it and do nothing. These little asshats. I’m about to head downtown and pistolwhip some motherfuckers.
Super American, quiet a group you don’t agree with.
I don’t agree with Antifa, but c’mon, you can’t make a group a terrorist faction based on your distaste.
You can’t label everyone in a group a terrorist because not all are violent.
By that logic all gun owners would be terrorists based on the actions of a few.

Just another way for government to quiet people, that’s all.

The US stood behind the unrest in Hong Kong, didn’t denounce the violent protests there, we are hypocritical in our stance.

The thing is, where does it end? Now it’s Antifa, who’s next, just remember all powers granted to the government are there when the next person takes over, even those you won’t like.
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Antifa attacks people at protests. Starts the riots. Has thrown Molotovs at police. People have the right to a peaceful protest. Not to be attacked for their beliefs and nothing is done to them.

When do all gun owners do this?

Every time there’s a protest they show and do this. They’ve been arrested numerous times while most get away.
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Everytime they have tried to restrict guns, I have heard more than one gun owner say, they will have to pry it from my dead hands, you really think if they came to take guns, gun owners would peacefully protest!?!?

They claim it’s a constitutional right, it is, but what about our rights to illegal search and seizures, our right to free speech? Arrest the ones throwing the Molotov Cocktails then, just as they arrest the ones who illegally kill with a gun.

The list goes on how our constitutional rights have been dwindled away, but the only one that seems to get people up in arms is the right to bear arms.
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Antifa- attacks people on their beliefs. Commits crimes.

Gun owners- say they’ll defend their rights.

Same thing… Yeah OK lol. I see your logic.
Not all of them do, normally it’s counter protests to far right groups.

I guess logically speaking, they should violently protest there right to free speech now.

And claiming it’s one group responsible for the protests in Minneapolis is absurd, it isn’t all one group sparking the violence.
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Its not what its become. Its not what’s happening. Some members even went to Syria to train with Kurds and flew their flag there and said they were going back to US to train others to fight.

Have you even seen their groups on social media and on tiktok now? It ain’t let’s go protest peacefully.
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