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You should feel safe.... she says so

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I don’t do social media, bad place to get your info, honestly that could be anyone, you think the far right wouldn’t plant something on social media.
Youts said:
bad place to get your info
OK what? So the places they use to communicate (even verified organizations and chapters) and organize is a bad place to get info… I bet you sit at home watching CNN thinking they tell you all you need to know lol.
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I don’t watch main stream media either, so your assumption is wrong.

But I also don’t listen to government officials and take them at their word either, we all know how they like to twist the truth.

Think Trump doesn’t lie through his teeth? Obama, both Bush’s, Clinton, they all did.
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I’ll tell you exactly how it would have went if there weren’t bystanders recording, that bodycam footage would have been buried, and worse case scenario, that cop would be retired with full benefits.

The mayor got one thing right, if that was you or me, it wouldn’t have taken 4 days to put the cuffs on.

We all have a stake in that, here’s hoping none of our gear is involved with an illegal search, good luck fighting that.

All it takes is 2 cops to enter your home illegally, one knocking at the front, and one at the back door yelling “come in”. If you think that doesn’t happen, well, it does.

They already have access to your video door bell, sold to them by the company’s that sell you the security.
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What damage is going on around you? My Walmart, grocery store and mall all been vandalized. Super American? What are these people doing in my area? My wife is worried things will happen here in my housing area. I got cops up and down my street. No one gives 2 shits about George Floyd. This does nothing. I’m locked and loaded. I have been in worse shït than this but I have never imagined it to be in MY country. No group has the right to come in uhauls and do shït like this. They will leave. And I will still be here. ANTIFA is posting police whereabouts and where to strike. Don’t give me Super American When it’s happening a half a mile from my home…
Hey bro, I don’t want in on the debate, but I do want to say I hope you guys are ok! That sucks that’s happening so close to you! I know your more than capable of protecting your family, but I hate that shits going down! That goes for anyone who may be in harms way over these events! If this is happening close to you stay safe!
Where’s the proof? That’s it’s one group? There is nothing illegal with saying where cops are.

Like I said, I’m not in favor of looting, but I’m not willing to give up my rights. Ya, I have a different opinion than you on what that means and that’s ok, but I have been told I don’t think about the white woman being shot when I clearly did, and that I’m an idiot because I get my views from cnn as opposed to what Trump tells me is fake news and neither of those are true.
I’m sorry shit is going down by your house, and I’m sorry it’s scary. It’s not right, but neither is limiting anyone’s freedoms.
All this Soros talk, he’s a billionaire, just like all the others, sit back and think how you take over a populace. You divide them, instill fear in them, and pit them against each other. My money is, Soros is in league with the other elites, it’s all about control.
If that cop had been arrested on day one, I’d believe it wouldn’t have gotten this far.
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I guess sometimes it gets old being attacked by the same old argument of fake news and shit, people on the left and right don’t like different point of views, and sorry, it gets old having the same old shit thrown at ya.

Like I said, I’m not in favor of the looting, people in mobs are very unpredictable, and they should have done more to stop it before it got out of hand, but I won’t sit back and pretend I know what it’s like to live in fear that everytime your stopped by a cop, it honestly could be your last.
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Sorry I voiced my opinion I guess, take it easy.

And ya I have family, including my daughter that lives there, so I get it.
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Just tired of seeing this stuff. I don’t know about others but I like to come here to get away from this stuff. My office is in St. Paul and a lot of my co workers live there.
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Yeah bro I just thought wow chick, you reek of making me feel comfortable and calm 😂 thats why I posted this
I can’t explain shit and you n TG know way more then I can say about it.
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