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You should feel safe.... she says so

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Our law isn’t handled in the streets or even by the cops or le that come for you and break laws and then arrest you our law and justice is enforced in a court room.
That’s why all of this happening now doesn’t even matter. The judge who sees over the case in court is going to decide this not rioters or anyone else.

I do believe that the Democrats spark off these protests and then the hardcore are the ones who get things going for tv these are who they bring in which is Antifa and more. This is the playbook we use to overturn multiple governments across the world and to influence elections.
Especially now when everyone wants to just get out and is very aggravated already from being locked down for months. This was the worst thing to happen right now I actually believed that it was going to just take the lockdown but it took a murderer in a police uniform to get this going but no matter what its going to be a year and a half to go to trial possibly longer. Nothing will be solved until then but I can’t see a cop being charged with murder I believe that he will get manslaughter and he will be out in 7 years.

To me that’s bullshit everyone needs to be held to the same standards. I love it now because the cops would fuck us up when we were young. Now people are recording everything and cops are finally being held accountable but should be getting real time.

I think you’re right brother.
I’m curious where that came from? There’s no record of it on their Facebook, nor a simple Google search.

I clicked through the protest links and didn’t find anything related to that.

Not even the correct date and time. To me it seems like people trying to continue to stir unrest and distrust between fellow Americans. And it wouldn’t be hidden, the picture clearly shows it would be publicly available.
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Well, I guess I just thought I’d fact check it? Didn’t know that was against the rules.

I guess what I’m trying to get at is, maybe if we all were courteous, and didn’t continue to slander each other regardless of political affiliations, maybe we actually could institute some changes, and for the record I’m registered as an independent.
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I don’t do politics they are all crooked and none care for us I’m not gonna get involved in the stuff some of it is a bad deal it’s life only way imma get involved is if it directly affects my family then I will do whatever it takes not too mention if the country was at war I would do what I could if needed unfortunately I may or may not be allegedly possibly a felon because I am thankful for freedom ( or what’s left of it ). Burning down our own shit ain’t gonna help the court system is biased now the minute it was televised now it’s just reality tv it was ruined What did he do to get arrested Anyway must have been walking down. The street minding his business just heading to the homeless shelter to do some community service for the needy and the cops just pulled over and beat his ass for no reason been down them roads several times and never had a cop go over they line too that point unless provoked either way it’s a lose lose situation. Guy is dead cop is going to jail regardless of what happened if the colors were changed would it matter if the colors were the same would it matter.
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That made me laugh, I hate when I get beat by cops walking to the homeless shelter to help out as much as the next guy.

I hope there’s no hard feelings @TBU, @TG, my wife always tells me I don’t know when to shut up lmao. Definatly none on my end.
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I’m good. You can always have your opinion. I can have mine. I don’t get angry at typed words. About the most you’ll get outta me is this :roll_eyes:. 😂. I’ve been around the world and to places no one wants to go. And no matter how fucked up it is here, it really isn’t that bad… trust me. I’ve been to some complete shitholes. 😁. And I’m not scared… Only time I’m scared is going into the fatal funnel on CQB… And that’s usually after it’s done. 😂😂
Yeah… it’s the weirdest shit ever. All this rioting shit. I’m about to call my boys and stack up on some of these looted stores. 😂. The sad thing is 10 of them would show up… 😂
Bought the only store I would of hit up was auto zone, fucking car parts are expensive, and maybe the pharmacies, loaded up on test. Bet none of that was taken.
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Ya I wouldn’t have been down there anyway, that’s a young man’s game I’d probably tear a hammy trying to run or crawl into places, or my damn knee would give out.
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