SB Labs

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  1. Outlawthing

    Post cycle bloodwork

    Golden like you poppy
  2. Outlawthing

    Post cycle bloodwork

    Boss It’s never good news when doctors find stuff like that at this point they don’t tell me anything good don’t go digging in web md cause according to them we are all dying of something. imma tell you bout my niece she was 5 years old and fainted at school they found brain tumor. Don’t...
  3. Outlawthing

    Post cycle bloodwork

    Used to be till last year I’m just uglier hairier uncle @Poppy I normally run about 230-245 6 ft tall I’m setting on 275+ Did dunk tank with my buddy before show I’m up to around 24-26 % bf right now. Still stocky and barrel chested but definitely soft course I was a fat ass 325 years ago so as...
  4. Outlawthing

    Post cycle bloodwork

    I just told my buddy that If I’m gonna die I’m gonna look good doing it 🙂 I can tell when I become insulin resistant bloat I eat carb insta bloat not to mention feeing like crap tired all time. I either have to eat couple hundred calories every hr or 6 meals 2 shakes clean. Neuro is right even...
  5. Outlawthing

    Post cycle bloodwork

    Insulin resistant? One of my bb buddies battles with same deal was insulin resistance. Always had a high fasting blood sugar Have you tried carb cycling Prob all that home cooked food you always eating on. High protein in your piss. Could be anything from kidney disease to aspirin to blood...
  6. Outlawthing

    Hundreds Of Black Women In Georgia Will Get $850 Per Month In Guaranteed Income

    Don’t even get me started on Georgia. Man we can’t our heads outta our ass long enough to see straight. Atlanta, dekalb, Fulton, so crooked it ain’t funny and the governors have sold there soul to Amazon. Who has ruined the place there is 5 yes 5 of them in my town and 12 within probably 15 mile...
  7. Outlawthing

    The Coronavirus Attacks Fat Tissue, Scientists Find

    I will say this about phizer there test cyp is off the chain 200mg E5d for my trt put my levels at over 3500 and free test was so high it took two 1/2 weeks to come down enough for the test to read it. My endocrinologist liked to shit a brick. That was all I was doing no HCG AI HGH. Take a shot...
  8. Outlawthing

    Blood work twice in past two months

    Senior heavy line mechanic. I stay dirty and wear boots all day every day I laid in the cold rain for two weeks. Under a piece of equipment. And worked way to many hrs on top of that. Plus work on farm and moonlight AT FD . No telling where I got it. Both legs almost to hips swelled up and...
  9. Outlawthing

    The Coronavirus Attacks Fat Tissue, Scientists Find

    The vaccine does something cause the second time I got rona I couldn’t tell other than my smell and taste was messed up again. First time was like flu. Vaccine made the room spin for two days and I swear my heart was stopping. We are all heading for I am legend anywho. So what you wanna be a...
  10. Outlawthing

    The Coronavirus Attacks Fat Tissue, Scientists Find

    Rona and attacking my fat cells I still be fat and had it at least twice for sure 🙂 maybe it will make my penis grow into a dick. I got one for you there is a guy the drives at one of my customers he is ever bit 500-600 lbs. I have had to weld 1/2 angle and make him a rail to grab to get up...
  11. Outlawthing

    Blood work twice in past two months

    Yeah I’m going to rate I’m top three worst things I ever did Next to my x-wife that rotten cheerio smell when you pea that burns. What it boils down to for me is ever since I got COVID vaccine it’s been one thing after next not saying that’s what it is but I can see a definite pattern.
  12. Outlawthing

    Blood work twice in past two months

    guys I’m still alive and there are people who got it way worse. No worries I will be here till I’m gone and I’m like a Tick on a hunting dogs nuts, fat, full, and hard to pull off. got two choices, stay down, or get up and it’s all in How you react to it. But no I’m not dead yet so guess again...
  13. Outlawthing

    Poppys HRT With Turinabol (TBOL) Log

    First one he had was all business he didn’t play around it died this one is way bigger but you can kinda tell the lights are on but no one is home. But it’s a playful good dog so far
  14. Outlawthing

    Merry Christmas To ME From The Good Pastor

    You definitely don’t need any Rogain with minoxidil. Hahaha you hairy man you
  15. Outlawthing

    Swollen Knee/Quad/Calf

    Glad your ok Just had ultrasound on legs looking for blood clots . Glad your ok. Trust me on this one if you stick anything anywhere, stick it in your ass. Just start with keychain size and work your way up to 5 cc there Rambo. Damn kad drinks it, dirt, snorts it, and your doing bottles at a...
  16. Outlawthing

    Swollen Knee/Quad/Calf

    The fact that it’s red bothers me. Is it hot to the touch? Hard? Squishy? The sharpie idea is a very good one if it moves no bueno!! If it gets bigger or you start seeing lines no bueno!! Can you feel your pulse below the spot? In your feet ? If so and it’s a blood clot which I doubt it would be...
  17. Outlawthing

    I’m Starting Glutathione (GSH)

    I am as soon as lands. Just what I need is another habit lol but if it does some good, worth it wanna start hgh back but not ready yet I can shore nuff tell it’s gone. Felt so much better slept better hands stayed numb but they do that now assuming from mechanic work all these years
  18. Outlawthing

    Poppys HRT With Turinabol (TBOL) Log

    That’s what I thought I knew a guy that had two of em cool dogs would drink bourbon and whisky with him here is that corso 14 weeks 75 lbs that an 8 yr old by him in blue to get an idea of how big it is
  19. Outlawthing

    Blood work twice in past two months

    Holy shit man!!! that creeps me out. My dad past two years ago from that. Good guess in a way had some carcinoma in my throat last year from Barrett’s syndrome they said. I figure it was all the chemicals on farm and at work and fire dept over the years. Kinda why I’m on a hiatus from hgh ATM...
  20. Outlawthing

    Blood work twice in past two months

    My test levels were better than expected. That’s on 200 mg per week of one of our domestics test cyp. For my TRT. No ai or hcg at the moment kinda cleaning out. Had a blood infection. First time hope the last then had allergic reaction to meds. First time as well. Tried to kick the bucket on you...