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SB Labs

Blood work twice in past two months


Well-known member
I’m gonna post my bloods from beginning of month I had more ran last month too I will get up I had an extended stay in ICU. see if you guys can google and see what I got wrong to me:)
















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One thing you got wrong maybe not the medical part is expecting me to read through all that jk. But I think it maybe yiur boood work shows Asians fighting so I’ll go with covid
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I think he ate too much Kung Pao Chicken and also got Shanghai’s by a five dollar suckee suckee Ho who had spicy tuna 🍣 roll in the hay causing that urinary burn. :blonde_woman:t4:
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Looks like something going on there, leukemia? I’m hoping I’m wrong
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I go for the 2 for. 10$ thank you and since we are on the subject. There isn’t anything like getting a nurse to stick a big ass q-tip up your penis while she is holding the poor little thing like a gun barrel saying “ you should know better by now .”
My test levels were better than expected. That’s on 200 mg per week of one of our domestics test cyp. For my TRT. No ai or hcg at the moment kinda cleaning out. Had a blood infection. First time hope the last then had allergic reaction to meds. First time as well. Tried to kick the bucket on you guys. But then I thought about @Poppy sexy hairy chest and John and crapes really thin crapes. But haha that’s not what is up with my blood I know you got this @NeuroRN give you a hint it’s hereditary.
Holy shit man!!! that creeps me out. My dad past two years ago from that. Good guess in a way had some carcinoma in my throat last year from Barrett’s syndrome they said. I figure it was all the chemicals on farm and at work and fire dept over the years. Kinda why I’m on a hiatus from hgh ATM got a fridge full of it. I can tell I’m not taking it too
Yeah I’ve been a FF for 23 years. We don’t live very long . I hope all is ok
guys I’m still alive and there are people who got it way worse. No worries I will be here till I’m gone and I’m like a Tick on a hunting dogs nuts, fat, full, and hard to pull off. got two choices, stay down, or get up and it’s all in How you react to it. But no I’m not dead yet so guess again. Lol I have thalassemia. My blood is always a little off. Deca is my best friend. It makes me Grow like a beast my blood rarely gets too thick honestly this is the highest I have ever saw it. But I am due for blood loss at the vampire center of America. Now I tell you what I don’t want anymore blood infection crap. I still Don’t think it’s gone feels like it’s in my bone in my ankle and like there is little critters that crawl Around in my leg from time
To time. My cholesterol is like that cause I don’t eat fish hardly at all I do however take fish oils. Y’all wanna see something nasty my legs necrotic when that shit was kicking
Yeah I’m going to rate I’m top three worst things I ever did Next to my x-wife that rotten cheerio smell when you pea that burns. What it boils down to for me is ever since I got COVID vaccine it’s been one thing after next not saying that’s what it is but I can see a definite pattern.