Good advice. My cholesterol, A1C, HDL vs LDL cardiac risk, it’s been 5 years. I had really good numbers considering. The last 3 years have been my most normal, which I consider scary. My echo changed from 44 to 50. Before my doc and I sat down, I was kinda fucked which led to more pop and “normal stuff” I never drank pop or did a drive through. “Cheating” was a good meal and splitting a slice at the cheesecake factory. So, I know enough to kill myself will panic and can find enough answers a to know I was gonna die…tomight. My doc is a cardiologist"active" and brought me back to realty last year, but I’ve been putting off the big 50 check. My body has changed. But I would get panic attacks, like fuck I don’t want to get the heart rate past 140 or strain on anything heavy. I guess my point is it is essential we do our best to have a quality life and not just wish or day dream. Get blood work, stress tests, echos, etc. I know this time ill be on some type of meds even if it’s by my own hand. I’ve been blessed not lucky or maybe both. But we have to live the same way regardless in my opinion. In the last three years I’ve felt my unhealthy then if I was doing usual cycle carb diet and heavy day, light day…on and on plus my usual adjusted for age supplement program. I feel things cancel themselves out so go back to “fresh” instead of tv dinners at work to add up the protein. For year’s I had at least 3 cans of tuna a day. I’d just call it 100grams protein, 1-2shakes…a hundred grams and I only did 300 tops , I’ve tried more for dieting for a show and other shit bit that’s been about a year added up. Fuck I’m rambling. Just do what you do, clean up what is suggested, trust where the advice is coming from and fuckin get big…im gonna go check those XMAS sales!!! Nothing wrong with looking good in the casket.