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SB Labs

Hundreds Of Black Women In Georgia Will Get $850 Per Month In Guaranteed Income

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Lots of touchy feely “may haves” and “they felt betters”… someone please GIVE me $1000 a month and I promise I will have a better outlook on things…about a thousand bucks better.

@TG are you trying to pisss me off today?!

If so…it’s working!
There is so many “victims” and “heroes” today that are mislabeled as such…

Oh and no one is responsible for their own well being.
No better way to disincentivize someone from doing everything they can to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and escape economic disparity. Fronting cash with conditions to help restart someone’s life? Sure. I get that, and it makes sense. But “no conditions”? And no doubt it will be extended again and again. The truly skeptical in me says this is intentionally designed to KEEP people in economic dependency on the government and thereby buy their votes.
Where’s the program to give bodybuilders $1,000 a month in HGH, AAS, and chicken breasts? Contact your congressman now! Because bad genetics is racist!!! Those of us who are genetically inferior at building muscle need help!
._They gave incentives to African Finnish…or you mean "radical "socialism or Marxism. Are there African Fins. Talk about an athlete. Bi racial African Fins would be like 66 and 290 lean. If I moved there would I be labeled American finlander? Aren’t those countries all considered Nordic. I think you need no passport or vista if you are nordic citizen and want to go to Finlsmd from…umm Iceland?
I work in the Housing Projects of NYC and I can attest that giving people free shit does not help in any way. The highest rates of state “assistance” also come with the highest rates of crime and drug use, unfortunately easy money tends to be the worst kind. And this article making a point of the race of the people is just a gross virtue signaling tactic. Race just shouldn’t even come into play with government programs, wether to help or to harm. I don’t have the answer, but I know this isn’t it.
Don’t even get me started on Georgia. Man we can’t our heads outta our ass long enough to see straight. Atlanta, dekalb, Fulton, so crooked it ain’t funny and the governors have sold there soul to Amazon. Who has ruined the place there is 5 yes 5 of them in my town and 12 within probably 15 mile stretch and they building another one. Amazon is gonna usher in socialism cause they will control market and the govt will control them. They control the housing already ruined health care and that’s what 20% of US economy they want the power companies that’s why they pushing green new deal they know it’s too expensive to started making a lot of electric equipment the smaller stuff works the bigger stuff they scrapped idea said technology isn’t quite there yet
I actually looked into moving to Portugal at one point. Prices are too high for their economy imo which is a downfall on them. Especially for internet even tho they want to be a hub for technology startups in Lisbon.

Wasn’t impressed by their responses to the virus bs either. But there’s a big divide on how Western Europe and Eastern Europe handled things.
I live across the street from a middle-tier housing project in NYC. My wife has taught some of the kids across the street as part of a community service thing, and we know a few of the families. Rent subsidies and handouts merely perpetuate dependency and inculcate laziness. The guy who delivers our Christmas tree every year openly brags about having inherited his rent-stabilized apartment from his mother and how that and his government payments (along with the tips he gets from delivering Christmas trees) enable him to drink vodka and do drugs and play guitar with his friends all day everyday. He has fewer teeth every time we see him, and this year, he doesn’t seem to be around.

I know this is not the case with all, but it is with many if not the vast majority, and the situation simply provides the wrong incentives.
Only 850 guaranteed?! Come on guys we can do better than that. After all, 400 years ago people we never knew did some terrible things to some other people we never knew. Of course it’s owed to them. It’s unbelievable. I mean, I guess anything is believable anymore. I think everyone is missing the “condition” though. Any guesses? The condition is, if you want to keep getting the money, vote Democrat on their next ballot.
Yea bro, I was working in the Williamsburg projects last year and someone was telling me how the apartment been in the family since it opened in 1964, three generations. Lady said all she had to do to get the place was make some bullshit disability claim and not get job. Her rent was like $40 in a place where before the pandemic the same 3 bedroom apartment would cost about $3500, especially right around the corner from Peter Lugers.
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