Jonny said:
Labs making the shit now are using all sorts of synthetic carrier oils and god knows what else to be able to boost the concentration per mL.
The compounds themselves are the same. Now your talking about the mix of solvents and carrier oils which can vary by lab. Most pharma uses cottonseed oil which is what was used back then. There are some that are used that are newer but still studied for years. Now if you want to talk about not knowing for sure what a source sells is the compound then thats a vaild comparison. But not about the compounds themselves.
But comparing the compound to a rushed vaccine that they wont put on the market unless they have no liability… nah. If it was safe for short and long term use then they wouldn’t need a waiver from the government over it. Thats common fucking sense.
Jonny said:
How exactly do you know the vaccine is causing more claughts then the virus?
You cant say
Jonny said:
The point is People that got blood claughts from the vaccine would have gotten blood claughts from the virus it’s self
I replied theres no proof to this. The cases of side effects are severely under reported. Thats a fact and a matter of discussion on medical forums right now. Its even being reported in studies about how many are under reporting or misreporting in fear of losing their funding. How many cases of blood clots are being reported caused by the virus?
Jonny said:
Doctors have varying opinions all the time. How do you know the ones you spoke too are right and the others are wrong?
My personal doctor is listed top in the country for their specialty. I actually saw doctors in 3 countries before finding him. I pay quite a bit to see him and for his honest opinions.
Other two are good personal friends of mine and the type of friends that have traveled to hang out with me in other countries for weeks at a time on vacation. When they have treated me for things they’ve never charged me or my family. One traveled 5 hours each way to treat my parents. They will be completely honest. You cant say that about Fauci or govt doctors. So yeah I will definitely listen to them over WHO or CDC or anyone like Fauci that is caught lying over and over.
There’s a whole group of doctors and nurses also right now suing the government about transparency. Thousands of doctors and nurses and medical professionals refusing to take the vaccine so that the govt has to threaten to fire them in the middle of a “pandemic” if they don’t take it? Bullshit. If it were a real pandemic they wouldn’t fire them. One year they’re heroes and the next they’re not needed cause they don’t want an experimental vaccine…
So just to show one spot (New York) says this
But they fired everyone for not having the vaccine? Bullshit. But now they qualify for more money from federal government.
Northwell terminated more than 20 managers last week for refusing to get immunized against Covid-19.
The vaccine is not proven yet and is dangerous for some people. Not everyone. But everyone deserves the right to make that decision for themselves. The people that have died and many more that will die, deserve a chance to make that decision and not some politician. For 99% of the people the virus is harmless and the other percentage just needs to be treated properly right away. Not being made into pawns in a political game where they are denied medical care to increase the death rate and keep a fake ass pandemic going. Lockdowns never occurred for the seasonal flu that killed thousands every year.
All this whole thing is smoke and mirrors for politics and money. Its about getting the people to allow themselves to be controlled and not question them.