
  1. I

    Simplistic Yet Rational Diet Plan

    This video might potentially help a lot of guys still trying to figure the basics of nutrition or a diet plan, so here you go. Also I’m sorry if it seems like I’m spamming these videos, I just find these series very informative.

    Keeping It Simple

    @Anonymous1738 inspired this post after reading their “Diet Over Drugs Thread” which should be a sticky everywhere (see link at bottom of post) I myself was once guilty of prioritizing anabolics and training over diet, until of course I realized that diet is king and not committing to a diet...
  3. TG1

    Anyone try the blood type diet with your program?

    This is something I learned years ago by trial and error. Later when I was following another program I was getting fat and no energy. My coach asked my blood type and put me back on steak daily and limited carbs, I immediately showed improvement in my physique. My girlfriend at the time was...