2021 cycle might be my last for awhile


Well-known member
First off this will be a cycle for the next 6ish months until I compete in powerlifting meet, goal is to do a smaller meet qualify for nationals and go and compete. This will likely be my last major cycle for 4 years as I am going into PT school in 2022. I have used many combos and am going to do some things many haven’t heard of. The rough outline is below, I would love to answer questions as I have researched peds extensively for a couple of years. I learned from EA inner circle some of the things below. Also not concerned with body weight gain as you can tell by the compounds below. Hexarelin with insulin is my own idea as hex has been show in scientific studies to increase GH levels similar to 10iu hgh, but for a much shorter time 90min, so I thought with fast insulin it would create a very large igf-1 pulse. Looking to start around mid-February or march as I am recovering from a minor surgery currently then will rebuild with TRT for a month. Also, if you read this far thank you and I love this community it is great.

Ramp up test & deca over a couple of months

Base of cycle

1-1.5g test e

300mg deca

400mg tren e added 8-10 weeks out from meet

Add in anadrol 5 weeks out at 100-150mg ED

100mg Test no ester 1-2x weekly pwo (never used before mostly to see if it could replace pwo oral, as nontoxic option)

Might try for one month 25-40mg trest ace with 50mg tren ace ED (I want to test this as I have saw a couple of people, I know BLOW up using this combo)

Growth protocol

2iu hgh in AM may combine with low dose insulin like 3iu

10-20mg mk677 before bed

Hexarelin 100mcg + 100mcg mod grf post or pre-workout with 3-8iu Humalog 20-30min later

Igf1-lr3 40mcg 4 weeks on 4 weeks off, only on training days

Ancillaries not listed but please use BP meds if you need them, I get from a former sponsor that ugmuscle would like to come back aboard they are good if you cannot get from your doctor.


Has anyone used injectable yk-11?

This is pretty extreme and only doing it as I will not be able to train enough in PT school so planning on just staying on TRT,I like 165mg-225mg per week split into mon, Thursday injects) Cant wait to hit a big total currently at 1585lbs total looking at 1700-1800lbs total in either 242lbs or 275lbs class.

EDIT: dropping peptides add hgh to 4iu split daily
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That seems like something big murph is going to tell me to be careful on in a year or two Haha. Never Inject yk11 but about to oral to Current cycle
let me know what you think of yk-11 as tony huge pushes it hard, but has almost zero data on it even in animals so I am wary of using it. Also he says a lot of bullshit, but also gives some good info.
He also sells the stuff so beware. It seemed to help when I I stopped making gainz on lgd cycle I did. So be interested to see doing 20mg a daywhich is double what I did with actual roids
As for this cycle… haha well… be careful? Lol I don’t have much input on that. I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. Just too much going on in my opinion, but I also Am a strong advocate of less is more.

You seem confident and knowledgeable in what you wanna do. Stay on top of your blood work and know when to stop. Good luck.
I wouldn’t mess with any sarms because I wouldn’t want to be a lab rat. I would stick with what is tried and true and ultimately safe if used responsibly, IMO
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If you use insulin just be careful and don’t think for a second that gram carb per iu bullshit works every time cause it don’t it will lure you in blow you up make you say damn that’s awsome. Then you want more then your body adjusts and it takes more then your on the kitchen floor eating pure sugar and drinking orange juice with one eye open and the shakes going yup this is it
Outlawthing said:
on the kitchen floor eating pure sugar and drinking orange juice with one eye open and the shakes going yup this is it
I know it’s serious stuff but that’s some funny stuff there. @Outlawthing
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Thanks for the advice @Outlawthing, I take insulin use very carefully and have glucagon on hand glucose tabs on hand in case of anything. Girlfriend knows and ehat to do if anything happens. I think insulin should be used if high blood sugar above 100 fasting in AM is present. Although a healthier way would be to lower carbs and enter no carb period.
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It is after you get up and you got sugar stuck to your face look like someone just busted on it don’t try peanut butter to hard to swallow pure cake icing is my best advice like sugar on top of sugar Insulin is one of those weird ones you can do the same dose 100 times the same way and one time you will hit the floor will you blow up yeah quick will it stop working yup will you keep gains some maybe some but risk worth reward ?
The first few times it’s like you are puffed up like dbol pump Cept it’s in the muscle so it sticks out more and tight that’s the hook then I’d say a week or say plains off then you take a little more to get effect but I’d say two three weeks is it only fill muscle up so much then when you quit what you think happens to those super filled muscles I may not be completely accurate there but I ain’t just talking out my butt hole either just personal experiences
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Always carry orange with you all day and something sweet cause it will hit you again usually a few hrs later with the R keep it where your meals from meal prep coincides and I ALWAYS carry blood sugar monitor and to be honest here I say buddy up someone your wife a coworker someone close that knows what your doing so if something goes south they can act fast and know what the hell cause high blood sugar fixable most cases low blood sugar dead I’m gonna quit talking I feel like I broke the seventh secret of the forbidden covenant by speaking and I feel MURPHS HEAT