3/12 edition of diets, training and life

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Staff member
Morning all.Breakfast was 4 eggs over easy,4 toast plain,4 turkey sausages, strawberries, coffee n water.
Just now had a protein shake,and 3 tbl spoons of peanut butter.Lunch I’m doin homemade cheese steaks,and a salad.in between, it will be protein shake n 3 tbl spoons of peanut butter.Dinner is SOS AKA Shit On a Shingle,ground venison with a white cream sauce served on toast,some kind of veggie with it. I engorge on it, 5-6 pieces of bread with the SOS on it is filling.i might not be fitting in another meal or snack,but I have been getting up in middle of the night,and eating cereal or poptarts so that’s good. Doin back today later on.Everyone have a great weekend.
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I haven’t eaten anything yet except, Cialis, HGH, test prop, NPP, tianeptine, and flmodanifil, so basically what they give Joe Biden every morning so he can function.

I’ll have a protein drink then train biceps, triceps, and delts in giant sets for an hour. I haven’t done my fasted morning walk in 5 days due to sciatica flare up. I caused swelling in my spine by going from no cardio for a month, to an hour walk daily for a week. Today it feels much better. I’d like to start walking again soon but I hope I’m smart enough to limit it to 20 minutes. I have OCD and feel guilty if I don’t push myself a little harder each time in everything. I need to stop being self destructive. It’s hard to change. It was drilled in my head as a little boy that you never quit, ever! We are not quitters! Do it right or don’t do it at all. Failure is disgraceful!
You know how it gets down here… just like a small hurricane… periods of intense rain and high winds.

Supposed to get in 20’s tonight with inner counties getting snow. Probably same storm pushing up your way
Back day not sure what’s for pwo meal. It’s supposed to be deload but I was hungover during max last week so I may go for it again
Breakfast was ribeye rare, 4 fried eggs, 2 pancakes, 4 pieces of toast with butter, hashbrowns with cheese, and 4 cups of coffee. Pint of chocolate milk before chest, biceps, and triceps. Almost two hours in the gym. Protein shake after. Then Philly Cheese steak with a 12 ounce Mountain Dew.
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