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Advanced Age Lifting Rolling on 62

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Thank you kind sir. Trying to figure this ozempic out still. I’ve figured out that it starts wearing off at day 5 and I can get in more calories, so I’m trying to time training accordingly. Calories are still ~1800 on high days so still not packing it in.

Wifey lost 34 pounds. I lost 20 or so but started looking “skinny” and lost, what I thought was, a substantial amount of strength. I’ve packed back on about 5 lbs and feel and “look” better. Strength came back somewhat… probably never be the same again. Tough pill to choke down… no more 405 squats or 315 bench presses. Just trying to be prudent.
A bit of unsolicited advice from my personal experience…I struggled with depression from 52-57… depression from getting old and feeling my youth slip away. I pushed through it by staying active and training hard. The closer I got to 60 the better I felt about it.

I’m in a good place with it now. Feel pretty good and learned to live with reduced strength.

Advice is: don’t take your foot off the gas pedal…stay the course the best you can training with your heart AND your head. Avoid injury and roll into 60 as a yoked up old man.
Apologies for the belated reply, @Poppy . Thank you for this advice. As you know, I’ve been struggling a bit with these issues myself. I was always the promising but overly aggressive smart kid in the room and now I’m supposed to be the wise old man. Sometimes I dig it, but most of the time, it feels very alien to me. Lifting definitely helps me reclaim myself, as it were. Just have to do it intelligently and not go overboard and get injured.
herrubermensch said:
supposed to be the wise old man.
I understand that fully. I kinda embrace that… you’ll be part of the folklore in your world… decades from now.

One of my narcissistic thoughts… I’m scared to death of being forgotten when I’m gone. Trying to positively impact folks now.
From the other day. Getting ready for my spring shear…a svelte 195lbs


Hmmm,I’m not sure if I seen you in the woods with my 30-30 if I’d shoot you,or shoot you twice.
Great work! As far as I’m aware you have been at it regularly for many years and all that work clearly shows. I know so many 30 year olds (hell even some in their 20s), that you’d run circles around.

I was at a middle school track meet the other day and just seeing the decline in just general exercise/fitness is a bit jarring. I’m not talking about those that just have gained a few pounds and lost a bit of muscle mass as they age, but so many are on the extreme side bordering on morbidly obese. I looked at my wife as one of the parents went up to talk to their kid and asked do we look this old? The parent was likely our age or younger. She just replied “I hope not.” LOL

Much truth to keeping on a regular routine and making sure you find time to be active or just move! It’s not just physical but also very much mental benefits. I’m always in a much better mood after a hard lifting session or long walk outside. I want to be sure I’m always able to play sports with my kids and also to have the energy to keep up to a reasonable degree. I’m sure my later 60-70 year old self will thank me.
You might not run circles,but you possess more muscle memory and stamina,slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
I remember room clearing drills on that old training facility on the back road of lejeune… “get good then get fast”
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