Both are Beta 2 agonist. Meaning they will act very similarly. Both with open up airway and relax smooth muscle.
I have never used albuterol for fat burning. Only as a nebulizer treatment. So I can’t speak to it’s effectiveness for fat burning. On paper it will work similarly to clen. Clen is used in Europe for asthma, the FDA didn’t approve it here. Not that that means anything, they tend not to approve a lot.
For fat burning clen works. It’s potent. Very potent. There’s some “evidence” that it can cause permanent ekg changes, there’s no doubt it will elevate heart rate much like albuterol. Neither one is perfectly selective for beta 2 receptors so they both activate beta 1 sites in the heart.
I would encourage you to look at ephedrine caffeine aspirin stack. It’s usually better tolerated by most people.