SB Labs

Alrighty boys you guys know the drill,diets and training

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Good to hear. Hope it’s nothing too bad. Let us know. 😁:+1:t3:
Good morning guys, today and tonight have been a difficult time. The wife and I are splitting up because there’s been repetitive instances of dishonesty on her part. This is a pretty difficult time in my life and I didn’t hurt the guy she was texting. I’ve been going through a lot of stress from work, kids and now this and I’ve been experiencing sever anxiety and panic attacks so I’m going to the doctors as soon as they open. I’m just letting you guys know because I can really use any and all support at this time. I never reach out but I know I need to if I’m going to make it through this. I appreciate you guys and let’s have a good day. The only difference between a good day and a bad one is our perspective.
Oh lord.

Been there brother. Dark times for me.

The first advice I have is questions. are you sure it has to end this way? There’s no way you and her can patch things up?
Sorry to hear this man. Get the e help you need and you know
We here for you as well. Also when your feeling a bit better make sure your brother is hitting his chest
Yeah without going in to much detail she has betrayed my trust and I don’t feel safe with her anymore, she is very controlling and our relationship is very toxic she never sees her part in the situation and I feel trapped and scared man it’s crazy. I’ve been through some difficult shit in my life, I was going to put that dude in the hospital and break shit but I didn’t, I acted in a mature manner but I’d be foolish to put myself in another situation like that. I have kids with her we bought a house together it’s so difficult but I can’t expose my kids to any type of violence even yelling, I grew up in a violent home and it’s not worth it to me. I’m acting with reason and I see all sides. I fall short and I see why she did what she did, I’m unable to provide her with what she needs.

I just want to say I appreciate you guys and your concern and you sharing you wisdom. I have a sponsor he’s 63 and he said to make a list of pros and cons. I have and it’s what I need to do, she’s comfortable in toxic relationships I can not do it. Well I’m getting ready to go to the Doc’s and see if I can get some meds to get me through this and see if I can get counseling, I don’t want to use any drugs but I do need something from the doc at this point to calm me down and get rest
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I just went through this. Took almost 3 years to wrap it up. Just sold the house Tuesday. It sucked. It was a shitty experience from start to finish and she has my kids living in a shit hole and I feel like I let them down. My heart constantly makes me think I fucked up but like @Poppy said your brain knows what right. Stay strong and if theres anyway I can help I will. You got this!
@JLee @Dmomuchole

It’s been almost 20 years for me. Here is a very real conversation I’ve had recently. My kids are in their 30’s.

Daughter: dad please tell me I’m adopted

Me: hahaha no you’re not

Daughter: mom’s a crazy bitch and I hate the thought that i came out of her and she’s my real mother.

Me: afraid so…I was there when you both popped out.

Daughter: she’s crazy dad

Me: yeah everyone knows that, I’ve been telling y’all that for years now.
It’s shitty,but you gotta do what you gotta do.The worst part will be the kids involved.
I was gonna start a new morning thread but I will leave it today with this one,seeing as you @Dmomuchole and I both spilled our guts on this one.I called outta work today,didn’t get our of bed til 1030,didn’t eat breakfast.but I didn’t cry so there’s that,I’d still rather have to handle my situation then yours.Stay committed and strong with your decision.
Take some time brother and think this through. I would say don’t make a decision like this on cycle. If your on cycle get off wait a couple weeks just make sure your hormones are where they are suppose to be. Kids are involved here and the best thing for all of you is if you and your wife can make amends and get through this. If you both can put each other first your relationship can come out of this thing better and stronger then it’s ever been. But it takes two you cannot do it on your own.

Love you brother. And no I am not being sappy!!
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