SB Labs

Alrighty boys you guys know the drill,diets and training

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Neighbors cat indoor/outdoor cat,my dogs hate it,will chase it into woods,or they freak out if their inside or gated on front porch,but mother fucker keeps hangin out in my garage. Why is it cat people are worried about their cats that get to go anywhere and it’s ok,OK, dogs don’t go hang out in their garage or front yard,I never understood that…but think about this if I come around the front and shut garage door it’s trapped,and what a dam Shame if my female kiowa happened to be with me her and the cat in the garage…
On a positive note,gonna get some practice in,my left elbow isn’t gonna appreciate so I won’t shoot to much…my wife told me to throw this little waffle maker away,I’m curious as to how bad the arrow will fuck it up stand by…Processing: 20211021_142143.jpg…
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Pics won’t load.alls the arrow did was put a hole in it. Looks like a bullet hole Processing: 20211021_142916.jpg…
I’ve seen it before,dog I use to have pitt/boxer mix,loved people HATED cats he cornered a stray cat in my garage where I grew up,yeah the cats scratch,claw,bite but we all know the cat ultimately lost the fight…he use to catch ground hogs,chew on them,eat a little.i was young and not right in the head…
Well I got some sleep, the doctor wouldn’t help me with any instant relief for my anxiety, but he gave some sleeping medication and treated me like a drug addict shopping for drugs after I was completely vulnerable. It was the shitist feeling. But I can get through this. I appreciate you guys help, and thanks John for keeping this thread open. I’m 2 1/2 weeks of cycle and I feel fairly stable. I’m just so closed up for her that she is choosing to develop intimate relationships with other men, I know I’m far from perfect but I am really trying, in all my affairs. I never ask for help. I know what I need to do. I need to get off my pity pot and follow through. I do love her but she’s crazy as fuck lol I pick the damaged ones every time.
My pics can go,but now it’s not as fun cause the convo is done.
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