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I thought this would be helpful to our future women members because I understand that it’s a great compound for the ladies.
(I did not write this)
So, what is considered the most harmless anabolic steroid with regards to the manifestation or development of unwanted side effects or negative reactions? The answer is Anavar, also known as Oxandrolone. After all, it is well known that in the first place it was developed specifically for women and babies. In fact, it has such valuable qualities that Anavar is and will remain an indispensable.
As previously stated, many people know this drug as Oxandrolone. It is extremely popular in bodybuilding, as it is considered one of the best anabolics used during the cutting phase and to accelerate intensive weight loss. In general, Oxandrolone has a number of incomparable advantages against other analogues.
Compared with other anabolic steroids, Anavar is not as harsh when it comes to the suppression of the body’s natural testosterone production. But, that does not mean that Anavar will not or may not have a negative effect on the testosterone level in one’s body. Over time and with excessive use of ANY anabolic steroid, the natural level of testosterone in the body can be greatly reduced or even shut down. But this typically depends on the individual’s response or tolerance level of the steroid used.
Although many will tell you that upon completion of an Anavar cycle there is no need to run Post Cycle Therapy (PCT), we don’t suggest you follow that logic. Again, each person is different and will need to make his or her own decisions.
Still worth noting is the fact that Oxandrolone is not susceptible to the aromatization process. In other words, during its use, the estrogen index (these are female sex hormones) does not increase. And this is another plus for Anavar users. After all, there will be no need in taking drugs aimed at suppressing estrogen. It is also important to note that men will not be at risk of developing gynecomastia (also known as man boobs). As for the female half of humanity, even when using a large dosage, there is no risk of secondary sexual characteristics of the male type. What does this mean for women considering Anavar? Side effects such as an increase in facial/body hair growth, a deeper or coarse voice in addition to negative side effects associated with other anabolics will not be experienced by women.
Anavar has another very important feature – it is considered by some to be the strongest anti-catabolic steroid. This steroid blocks the cortisol receptors, which provokes the destruction of muscle tissue. Thus, Anavar significantly reduces the rate of breakdown of muscle tissue. So, all of the lean muscle mass that you added as a result of your intense training sessions will not be lost when you introduce Anavar into your body for a cutting cycle. Your body will notice a drop in body fat but muscle mass will be well preserved.
In addition, Oxandrolone is able to activate the production of creatine phosphate. And in this case will favorably affect the growth of muscle strength. But here it is worth noting that regarding an increase in muscle mass, this anabolic steroid will not bring results. We are not indicating that you won’t see ANY muscle growth when using Anavar. But, for those who want to pack on size and muscle mass, there are other options which will produce much better results. It turns out that the strength indicators will increase, but the mass will not. In carrying out numerous studies, it was found that a small increase in muscle mass can be achieved only if the dosages are significant. Anavar is the very steroid that performs a number of specific tasks at the end of the pre-competition stage in bodybuilding. It is also a drug of the so-called “bridge”. That is, when the athlete’s body needs to recover after a cycle of steroids and remove the well-known pullback phenomenon. We can’t forget to mention that Anavar is only available in tablet form.
Anavar was first released to the pharmacological market in 1964 in the United States. Initially, the drug was prescribed to activate muscle growth in disorders caused by involuntary loss of body weight. Also, the drug was used in the treatment of HIV / AIDS. In addition, Oxandrolone has shown partial effectiveness in the treatment of such an ailment as osteoporosis. You can see just how beneficial Anavar was in the medical field.
But, despite these benefits, negative media coverage and illegal use by bodybuilders caused issues. And the company Searle Laboratories in 1989 stopped the production of this drug. Then, Bio-Technology General Corporation, who later changed the name to Savient Pharmaceuticals, began to manufacture this product. All clinical trials were crowned with success, and the company released in 1995 this steroid called Oxandrin. This drug has been actively used in the treatment of weight loss due to HIV infection, Turner syndrome, as well as alcoholic hepatitis. In addition, the drug was used as an adjuvant in the event of protein catabolism caused by the long-term administration of corticosteroids.
If the goal is to improve muscle definition and hardness, then a cycle of Anavar should not be less than 8 weeks. The cycle should be built with a ladder. It is necessary to start with 20 mg per day. This dose might be low for some users. Assess your tolerance level and adjust the dose accordingly. But you want to divide the total dose:
Why in two steps? The thing is that this allows you to keep the indicator of a given substance in the body at the same level. Keeping blood plasma levels up allows the steroid to work better. Which, in turn, allows to increase the effectiveness of Oxandrolone.
After a week, the dosage should be increased and divided into three doses. If negative effects are not observed during the cycle, then you can run the cycle for longer than 8 weeks. Some suggest a cycle lasting 10 weeks. Do what is right for your body. During the reception of Anavar, sports nutrition is necessary. More specifically, the athlete’s diet should be balanced to the maximum and have at least two grams of protein per 1 kg of weight. Eat a well balanced diet consisting of healthy fats, carbs and proteins.
Many men can do combined steroid cycles to improve the results from Anavar. There are many options to choose from depending on the goal of the user. Females can also stack Anavar with other anabolic steroids but should proceed with caution when choosing other anabolics.
Upon completion of an Anavar cycle, users should begin to use Tamoxifen, which has the ability to restore its own testosterone production.
However, in any case, before you start taking Oxandrolone, you should consult a specialist and undergo an examination to identify pathologies of the prostate gland, liver, chronic diseases, as well as other disorders of the functioning of organs. There are a lot of steroid users that go against this advice and don’t get examined by their physician prior to the start of an anabolic cycle. Some will do this without any regrets while others only add harm to the body. Individuals with underlying health conditions or severe medical problems should be well informed about their health AND any steroids they are considering.
So what dosage of Anavar should be adhered by “chemists” – amateurs? For this category of athletes, the recommended dosage is 20 mg per day, and twice (in the morning and in the late afternoon, but not before bedtime). The duration of the cycle should be no more than 6-4 weeks (depending on the person). And, by the way, having passed such a very soft cycle, PCT is not required but still recommended. Some will feel that 20mg per day is pretty low. As a beginner, it is not always smart to start big! Keep your dose in the 20-40mg range (and 40mg per day is or should be your max).
And what dosage should professional athletes adhere with Anavar? Professional athletes who use Anavar in the cutting or pre-contest phase often take up to 80mg per day (or more). We know men that use 100mg per day (but this is not recommended). Divide the dose into 3 doses per day for maximum results. The duration of the cycle can vary from 8-12 weeks. Some take this in the beginning of the cycle while others will take Anavar only in the last few weeks. Individuals can use the method called “ladder”, where the dose will gradually increase – starting from 20 mg and ending with 80 mg. Some athletes who have been sitting on anabolics for a long time sometimes increase the duration of the cycle to 12 weeks.
To reduce the likelihood and minimize unwanted reactions, Oxandrolone can be taken in tandem with other drugs. Just remember that the risk of unwanted negative side effects will increase as more steroids are introduced or stacked in a cycle.
It is also worth mentioning that athletes with good muscle mass and an average indicator of adipose tissue feel the maximum results. But here one should not forget that the dose range still depends on the individual characteristics of the athlete, namely:
Which is better – straightforward Oxandrolone “solo” cycles or relatively complex combined cycles? The answer to this question depends on what kind of result you want to achieve. If your goal is to improve the overall muscle definition, then the simpler cycles of Oxandrolone “solo” are better.
If your goal is to simultaneously increase strength and weight, then in a particular case, it is better to combine or stack Anavar with other anabolic steroids that have more powerful androgens. Results and gains can be much more visible when stacking anabolic steroids in a cycle.
When using Anavar in combination with other drugs, it is best to give preference to steroids, which create high-quality muscle and definition. The lightest and at the same time productive steroid stack is Oxandrolone + Masteron. This cycle combines an oral steroid with an injectable steroid. Here with this variation you can achieve a high-quality shape. In this case, the likelihood of adverse reactions and harm to the body will be minimized. These two steroids in tandem will complement each other perfectly. In addition, even with minimal dosing, the synergistic result will be most powerful. Such a combined cycle lasting 8 weeks will give the athlete good muscle definition and leanness. But, Masteron is only capable of providing amazing results when the individual already possesses a lean body and exhibits a healthy lifestyle and training program. Impeccable muscles can really be noticed from this steroid stack.
But combined cycles with Sustanon or other long testosterone esters in conjunction with Anavar will definitely not give the desired effect. However, Oxandrolone and testosterone propionate are an excellent variation for athletes who want to build muscle, dry muscle or keep it in the intervals between steroid cycles of several drugs. Choose the stack that fits into your training program and allows you to achieve the desired look.
This drug is the only commercial steroid created for one purpose only – to get a pure anabolic effect. Oxandrolone is very suitable for representatives of a strong half of humanity, it allows you to achieve maximum results and at the same time not to face “side-by-side”.
So what are these five reasons why Anavar is so ideal for men? We will reveal the veil of secrecy:
The specific dosage is directly determined by the goal – either this is weight loss, or this is muscle building. As a rule, women “start” with a dosage of 5 mg, and then increase by another 5 mg in the second week. Then, they increase it to 20 mg. The duration of the cycle varies up to 2 months. Some women who are more experienced with the gym, weight training and exhibit an athletic build will typically start with a dose of 20mg per day. This dose will vary from female to female.
Compared to men who take Anavar in combination with other steroids, only a solo cycle is suggested for women. However, professional athletes preparing for bodybuilding competitions use a combined cycle – Anavar + Masteron. The average dosage in such cases is about 10 mg per day. Remember that some women are just as serious about bodybuilding as men and will combine Anavar with not only Masteron but also Primobolan. Do the research and figure out what stack and dose in addition to cycle length works best for you. Always seek advice from other females as men are typically not as open to discuss this topic with women (for various reasons).
Oxandrolone tablets can be taken both during meals and after. Of cycle, no one cancels sports nutrition, diet and training.
So, as you can see, Oxandrolone is the best easy steroid for females. And you can’t argue with that.
Anavar’s adverse reactions are dictated by the ability of the anabolic to drown out the production of personal testosterone, although to a small extent. And here is what you may encounter:
As for libido, this manifestation can be eliminated through the addition of gonadotropin. Or there is another option – to use a combined cycle with androgenic drugs.
Loss of appetite can also be dealt with. For this, peptides should be included. For example, it could be GPRH-2. These drugs will greatly enhance your appetite. But as for the other “side effects”, they are extremely rare. Therefore, if you strictly follow the rules, you will not be afraid of any side effects.
It is important to do your homework when it comes to taking Anavar or any other anabolic steroid. You can ask people at the gym, read a million articles and talk to your doctor, but knowing how your OWN body reacts to any substance taken is the key to success. Talking to others that have taken Anavar and other steroids will help you gain more knowledge and understanding of how anabolics work. But only you have the power to get the maximum results for your body type!
But if the dosages were already significant, then PCT will definitely be needed. What to include? First of all, these are testosterone boosters (for example, it can be tribulus), as well as vitamin E and zinc. In addition, the delivery of tests will not be amiss. And the specialist, already focusing on the results, will make a decision whether you need Clomid or Tamoxifen or whether you can do without these drugs. PCT should be run for approximately 3 weeks. Each person is different and trial and error play a key role in your PCT cycle.
Some individuals in sports naively believe that achieving an optimal result when bulking their body is a fairly inexpensive and easy affair. In the realities of everyday life, everything is quite different. To increase your endurance, gain muscle mass and qualitatively highlight the necessary relief, it is more advisable to use specialized (potent) drugs. With the help of them there is an incredible opportunity (in the shortest time periods) to bring your body to optimal physical condition.
This factor is confirmed by numerous, and most importantly, truthful reviews of many illustrious bodybuilders. They confirm with full confidence the fact that Anavar has (has in its composition) many of the most important ingredients that can increase the strength (and other) indicators of almost any athlete. ANABOLIC STEROIDS WILL WORK MORE EFFECTIVELY AND EFFICIENTLY WHEN DIET AND TRAINING REMAIN CONSTANT. Make a routine AND stick to it!!
(I did not write this)
Anavar (Oxandrolone)
When talking to an athlete about what they aspire to do, most, if not all will tell you they aspire to increase his/her muscular strength. But, it does not stop there. Improving endurance, and making the muscles more defined and bigger are also part of the goal. And, to achieve this goal, a large majority of individuals will begin to use anabolic steroids when the body has reached its potential naturally.So, what is considered the most harmless anabolic steroid with regards to the manifestation or development of unwanted side effects or negative reactions? The answer is Anavar, also known as Oxandrolone. After all, it is well known that in the first place it was developed specifically for women and babies. In fact, it has such valuable qualities that Anavar is and will remain an indispensable.
As previously stated, many people know this drug as Oxandrolone. It is extremely popular in bodybuilding, as it is considered one of the best anabolics used during the cutting phase and to accelerate intensive weight loss. In general, Oxandrolone has a number of incomparable advantages against other analogues.
General information about Anavar and why it is called Oxandrolone
This steroid, due to its safety, is considered the best option for bodybuilders who are just starting to engage in athletic sports/activities. And not every anabolic can boast such an advantage. Anavar has been around for many decades. And those who have been in this lifestyle for years, call it by the more formal name, Oxandrolone. Regardless of whether you choose to call it Anavar or Oxandrolone, this steroid can really do wonders for the body.Compared with other anabolic steroids, Anavar is not as harsh when it comes to the suppression of the body’s natural testosterone production. But, that does not mean that Anavar will not or may not have a negative effect on the testosterone level in one’s body. Over time and with excessive use of ANY anabolic steroid, the natural level of testosterone in the body can be greatly reduced or even shut down. But this typically depends on the individual’s response or tolerance level of the steroid used.
Although many will tell you that upon completion of an Anavar cycle there is no need to run Post Cycle Therapy (PCT), we don’t suggest you follow that logic. Again, each person is different and will need to make his or her own decisions.
Still worth noting is the fact that Oxandrolone is not susceptible to the aromatization process. In other words, during its use, the estrogen index (these are female sex hormones) does not increase. And this is another plus for Anavar users. After all, there will be no need in taking drugs aimed at suppressing estrogen. It is also important to note that men will not be at risk of developing gynecomastia (also known as man boobs). As for the female half of humanity, even when using a large dosage, there is no risk of secondary sexual characteristics of the male type. What does this mean for women considering Anavar? Side effects such as an increase in facial/body hair growth, a deeper or coarse voice in addition to negative side effects associated with other anabolics will not be experienced by women.
Anavar has another very important feature – it is considered by some to be the strongest anti-catabolic steroid. This steroid blocks the cortisol receptors, which provokes the destruction of muscle tissue. Thus, Anavar significantly reduces the rate of breakdown of muscle tissue. So, all of the lean muscle mass that you added as a result of your intense training sessions will not be lost when you introduce Anavar into your body for a cutting cycle. Your body will notice a drop in body fat but muscle mass will be well preserved.
In addition, Oxandrolone is able to activate the production of creatine phosphate. And in this case will favorably affect the growth of muscle strength. But here it is worth noting that regarding an increase in muscle mass, this anabolic steroid will not bring results. We are not indicating that you won’t see ANY muscle growth when using Anavar. But, for those who want to pack on size and muscle mass, there are other options which will produce much better results. It turns out that the strength indicators will increase, but the mass will not. In carrying out numerous studies, it was found that a small increase in muscle mass can be achieved only if the dosages are significant. Anavar is the very steroid that performs a number of specific tasks at the end of the pre-competition stage in bodybuilding. It is also a drug of the so-called “bridge”. That is, when the athlete’s body needs to recover after a cycle of steroids and remove the well-known pullback phenomenon. We can’t forget to mention that Anavar is only available in tablet form.
History of the creation of Oxandrolone – a symbol of the safe use of steroids
Christopher Jung and Rafael Pappo worked on the creation of this unique anabolic steroid in Searle Laboratories. The two researchers first introduced this substance back in 1962. What interested both of these men was the fact that Anavar had such a weak androgenic effect in relation to its anabolic effect. And so began the story of the creation of Oxandrolone – a symbol of the safe use of steroids.Anavar was first released to the pharmacological market in 1964 in the United States. Initially, the drug was prescribed to activate muscle growth in disorders caused by involuntary loss of body weight. Also, the drug was used in the treatment of HIV / AIDS. In addition, Oxandrolone has shown partial effectiveness in the treatment of such an ailment as osteoporosis. You can see just how beneficial Anavar was in the medical field.
But, despite these benefits, negative media coverage and illegal use by bodybuilders caused issues. And the company Searle Laboratories in 1989 stopped the production of this drug. Then, Bio-Technology General Corporation, who later changed the name to Savient Pharmaceuticals, began to manufacture this product. All clinical trials were crowned with success, and the company released in 1995 this steroid called Oxandrin. This drug has been actively used in the treatment of weight loss due to HIV infection, Turner syndrome, as well as alcoholic hepatitis. In addition, the drug was used as an adjuvant in the event of protein catabolism caused by the long-term administration of corticosteroids.
The work of Anavar – does it help you to build an ideal body with amazingly cut muscles
This anabolic steroid is an agonist of androgen receptors. Thanks to it, protein synthesis increases, and consequently, bone density, as well as muscle mass and growth, increase. But, just remember that the user will not be impressed with the results if the goal was to pack on a lot of muscle mass and size. In addition, the work of Oxandrolone is as follows:- It has a beneficial effect on the production of creatine phosphate, which is directly involved in the restoration of the normal number of adenosine triphosphate.
- Blocks the receptors of such a catabolic hormone as cortisol.
- Affects the calcium balance, and also replenishes the reserves of magnesium and calcium.
- Increases protein production.
How to take Oxandrolone to significantly improve your athletic performance
Are you wondering how to take Oxandrolone? This question is of interest to the vast majority of athletes. Many steroid users will tell you that Anavar, or any other anabolic steroid, should only be used by men. This is highly debatable. Why? Because Anavar is considered to be mild in nature and safe even for use by women. And the thing is that Anavar is not converted to estrogen. This is especially true for athletes in the 40+ age category. Some recommend taking Anavar on an empty stomach to achieve maximum results. Again, individuals should do what works best for him/her. It becomes trial and error. Figure out what works best for you and proceed!If the goal is to improve muscle definition and hardness, then a cycle of Anavar should not be less than 8 weeks. The cycle should be built with a ladder. It is necessary to start with 20 mg per day. This dose might be low for some users. Assess your tolerance level and adjust the dose accordingly. But you want to divide the total dose:
- In the morning.
- And then in the afternoon.
Why in two steps? The thing is that this allows you to keep the indicator of a given substance in the body at the same level. Keeping blood plasma levels up allows the steroid to work better. Which, in turn, allows to increase the effectiveness of Oxandrolone.
After a week, the dosage should be increased and divided into three doses. If negative effects are not observed during the cycle, then you can run the cycle for longer than 8 weeks. Some suggest a cycle lasting 10 weeks. Do what is right for your body. During the reception of Anavar, sports nutrition is necessary. More specifically, the athlete’s diet should be balanced to the maximum and have at least two grams of protein per 1 kg of weight. Eat a well balanced diet consisting of healthy fats, carbs and proteins.
Many men can do combined steroid cycles to improve the results from Anavar. There are many options to choose from depending on the goal of the user. Females can also stack Anavar with other anabolic steroids but should proceed with caution when choosing other anabolics.
Upon completion of an Anavar cycle, users should begin to use Tamoxifen, which has the ability to restore its own testosterone production.
However, in any case, before you start taking Oxandrolone, you should consult a specialist and undergo an examination to identify pathologies of the prostate gland, liver, chronic diseases, as well as other disorders of the functioning of organs. There are a lot of steroid users that go against this advice and don’t get examined by their physician prior to the start of an anabolic cycle. Some will do this without any regrets while others only add harm to the body. Individuals with underlying health conditions or severe medical problems should be well informed about their health AND any steroids they are considering.
What dosage of Anavar should be adhered by professional athletes and “chemists” – amateurs
This anabolic steroid is perfect for bodybuilders who want to cut, and powerlifters who do not want to move to a heavier weight category. Anavar is great for burning fat without the addition of size or water weight.So what dosage of Anavar should be adhered by “chemists” – amateurs? For this category of athletes, the recommended dosage is 20 mg per day, and twice (in the morning and in the late afternoon, but not before bedtime). The duration of the cycle should be no more than 6-4 weeks (depending on the person). And, by the way, having passed such a very soft cycle, PCT is not required but still recommended. Some will feel that 20mg per day is pretty low. As a beginner, it is not always smart to start big! Keep your dose in the 20-40mg range (and 40mg per day is or should be your max).
And what dosage should professional athletes adhere with Anavar? Professional athletes who use Anavar in the cutting or pre-contest phase often take up to 80mg per day (or more). We know men that use 100mg per day (but this is not recommended). Divide the dose into 3 doses per day for maximum results. The duration of the cycle can vary from 8-12 weeks. Some take this in the beginning of the cycle while others will take Anavar only in the last few weeks. Individuals can use the method called “ladder”, where the dose will gradually increase – starting from 20 mg and ending with 80 mg. Some athletes who have been sitting on anabolics for a long time sometimes increase the duration of the cycle to 12 weeks.
To reduce the likelihood and minimize unwanted reactions, Oxandrolone can be taken in tandem with other drugs. Just remember that the risk of unwanted negative side effects will increase as more steroids are introduced or stacked in a cycle.
It is also worth mentioning that athletes with good muscle mass and an average indicator of adipose tissue feel the maximum results. But here one should not forget that the dose range still depends on the individual characteristics of the athlete, namely:
- On the experience of using anabolic steroids.
- Physiological features and capabilities.
- Training program and other indicators such as diet.
Which is better – straightforward Oxandrolone “solo” cycles or relatively complex combined cycles? The answer to this question depends on what kind of result you want to achieve. If your goal is to improve the overall muscle definition, then the simpler cycles of Oxandrolone “solo” are better.
If your goal is to simultaneously increase strength and weight, then in a particular case, it is better to combine or stack Anavar with other anabolic steroids that have more powerful androgens. Results and gains can be much more visible when stacking anabolic steroids in a cycle.
When using Anavar in combination with other drugs, it is best to give preference to steroids, which create high-quality muscle and definition. The lightest and at the same time productive steroid stack is Oxandrolone + Masteron. This cycle combines an oral steroid with an injectable steroid. Here with this variation you can achieve a high-quality shape. In this case, the likelihood of adverse reactions and harm to the body will be minimized. These two steroids in tandem will complement each other perfectly. In addition, even with minimal dosing, the synergistic result will be most powerful. Such a combined cycle lasting 8 weeks will give the athlete good muscle definition and leanness. But, Masteron is only capable of providing amazing results when the individual already possesses a lean body and exhibits a healthy lifestyle and training program. Impeccable muscles can really be noticed from this steroid stack.
But combined cycles with Sustanon or other long testosterone esters in conjunction with Anavar will definitely not give the desired effect. However, Oxandrolone and testosterone propionate are an excellent variation for athletes who want to build muscle, dry muscle or keep it in the intervals between steroid cycles of several drugs. Choose the stack that fits into your training program and allows you to achieve the desired look.
Five reasons why Anavar is ideal for men
Did you know that many security officials are very fond of this anabolic steroid. Why? Because with Oxandrolone you can achieve a high increase in strength indicators. In addition, it also has low hepatotoxicity. For those who are unfamiliar with what this means, Anavar is not as harmful to the liver as other oral steroids. This anabolic will be just the perfect variation for those athletes who have been on a “rocking chair” for a long time, want to move, so to speak, from a “dead center”, but they have no experience with anabolic steroids. It is mild in terms of the effects on the body (negatively) but is powerful in terms of burning fat and becoming leaner.This drug is the only commercial steroid created for one purpose only – to get a pure anabolic effect. Oxandrolone is very suitable for representatives of a strong half of humanity, it allows you to achieve maximum results and at the same time not to face “side-by-side”.
So what are these five reasons why Anavar is so ideal for men? We will reveal the veil of secrecy:
- It is the safest anabolic among all existing steroids in tablet form. This is a real pro steroid (works better on an already lean physique).
- It makes it possible to become a happy owner of a sculpted physique. Just imagine, hard, elastic, clean muscles, and without water and fat deposits. This is exactly what the athlete desires at the drying stage after a cycle to gain muscle mass.
- Builds strength and endurance. The growth of these indicators is associated with an increased content of creatine phosphate in the muscle fibers. And this feature of anabolic is of incomparable value at the pre-contest stage for the upcoming competitions. Strength will increase, but the athlete will not go beyond the scope of his weight category.
- Accelerates the fat burning effect. Of course, you can bulk muscles for a long time, but in any case you won’t see beautiful muscle definition if you don’t “eliminate” the subcutaneous fat. Anavar greatly speeds up the fat burning process and makes the body dry and fit. And this is exactly what you need and what many are trying to achieve.
- The process of aromatization is reduced to almost zero. Simply put, the male hormone testosterone is not converted to the female hormone estrogen (and this process is often observed in the “side effects” of many anabolics). That is, such processes as excessive accumulation of fluid, breast enlargement and suppression of the production of one’s own testosterone are simply absent.
As for the specifics, regarding dosing for men, it all depends on the desired goal:
- To improve muscle definition – from 30 to 50 mg per day. If the athlete has large muscle mass, then the dosage should vary from 50 to 70 mg per day. The duration of the cycle is from six to eight weeks, without interruptions. Adjust accordingly as always!!
- Testosterone propionate should be used to reduce water and fat retention. The dosage should vary from 200 to 400 mg per week. Anavar will NOT create any water weight!
- To ‘cut’ the body, the tandem of Anavar with Trenbolone (recommended dosage is not more than 150 mg per week) or Oxandrolone with Primobolan (dosage varies from 200 to 300 mg in seven days) is suitable. Tren is not a steroid for beginners! This anabolic works wonders but can really mess with those not familiar with how potent it really is!
- If the desired goal is mass gaining, then Anavar with Nandrolone decanoate (range from 200 to 400 mg per week) will be a great combination. There is also a second variation – Anavar with Boldenone undecylenate (do not exceed a dosage of 800 mg per week). Remember, taking Anavar alone will not produce muscle mass. Users will be highly disappointed.
Oxandrolone is a safe, mild steroid for women.
It’s not for nothing that Anavar is often called a “female steroid”. It is highly valued among the charming young ladies, as it helps to build a small amount of muscle to a tiny frame, burn fat, and is absolutely safe for the female body. This is a great option for those who want to increase their strength indicators, but without gaining extra weight. Oxandrolone has another invaluable plus, regarding the intake by women – there is no effect of a “masculine woman”. This means that women will not experience facial hair growth or a deepening of the voice.The specific dosage is directly determined by the goal – either this is weight loss, or this is muscle building. As a rule, women “start” with a dosage of 5 mg, and then increase by another 5 mg in the second week. Then, they increase it to 20 mg. The duration of the cycle varies up to 2 months. Some women who are more experienced with the gym, weight training and exhibit an athletic build will typically start with a dose of 20mg per day. This dose will vary from female to female.
Compared to men who take Anavar in combination with other steroids, only a solo cycle is suggested for women. However, professional athletes preparing for bodybuilding competitions use a combined cycle – Anavar + Masteron. The average dosage in such cases is about 10 mg per day. Remember that some women are just as serious about bodybuilding as men and will combine Anavar with not only Masteron but also Primobolan. Do the research and figure out what stack and dose in addition to cycle length works best for you. Always seek advice from other females as men are typically not as open to discuss this topic with women (for various reasons).
Oxandrolone tablets can be taken both during meals and after. Of cycle, no one cancels sports nutrition, diet and training.
So, as you can see, Oxandrolone is the best easy steroid for females. And you can’t argue with that.
The effect of taking Anavar will amaze even the most demanding pharmaceutical consumer.
Athletes who use Anavar in their arsenal note further effects, in particular:- Fat deposits are eliminated (areas where stubborn fat exists)
- Muscles take on a raised and firm shape. Often, for this purpose, this drug is taken. This effect has long been appreciated by the vast majority of bodybuilders. Indeed, at the cutting cycles with Anavar, the athlete’s muscle mass becomes not only embossed, but also of high quality. Very advantageous in the pre-contest cutting phase.
- Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is increasing.
- The level of physical activity becomes much higher. Also for this reason, Oxandrolone began to be in great demand among boxers, athletes, skiers and other athletes whose disciplines are related to the weight categories. The increase in strength indicators will be noticeable quickly. This steroid helps to increase the digestibility of protein from food and increase the production of red blood cells. In simple terms, the body is “recharged” with fuel and begins to function at an accelerated pace, when a clean diet is maintained.
- Stamina is enhanced, even in conditions of lack of calories.
- Recovery after exercise is much faster! The fact is that this steroid is characterized by an anti-catabolic effect. So the muscles will not collapse, but rather will recover faster. Preserved muscles during a cutting phase are very important to individuals that compete. Anavar allows the acceleration of fat to be burned without the loss of any muscle mass that has been gained.
Unwanted side effects of Anavar – what to expect from this “magic elixir”
Here it is worth immediately indicating the fact that Oxandrolone does not have any major negative effect on the liver, even despite the fact that it is a 17-alpha-acylated steroid. In the cycle of the studies, it was found that taking this steroid in the range of 20 mg per day does not affect liver enzymes. This will also depend on the individual taking Anavar. Those with a healthy liver have no need to worry. However, those with liver damage or a history of excessive drinking should be cautious when taking any oral steroid. In addition, Oxandrolone is not subject to aromatization, therefore, does not provoke estrogenic manifestations. But not everything is so rosy, although not everything is so scary. What to expect from this “magic elixir”?Anavar’s adverse reactions are dictated by the ability of the anabolic to drown out the production of personal testosterone, although to a small extent. And here is what you may encounter:
- Hair loss.
- Depressed state.
- Decrease in libido.
- Increased cholesterol and blood pressure.
- Acne and/or oily skin.
- Decreased appetite.
How to cope with the side effects of Oxandrolone without harming yourself
This question is relevant for every sensible athlete who takes anabolic steroids. But since there are not so many undesirable effects when taking Anavar, and they are not so scary, there is definitely a way out. So how do you deal with the “side effects” of Oxandrolone without harming yourself?As for libido, this manifestation can be eliminated through the addition of gonadotropin. Or there is another option – to use a combined cycle with androgenic drugs.
Loss of appetite can also be dealt with. For this, peptides should be included. For example, it could be GPRH-2. These drugs will greatly enhance your appetite. But as for the other “side effects”, they are extremely rare. Therefore, if you strictly follow the rules, you will not be afraid of any side effects.
It is important to do your homework when it comes to taking Anavar or any other anabolic steroid. You can ask people at the gym, read a million articles and talk to your doctor, but knowing how your OWN body reacts to any substance taken is the key to success. Talking to others that have taken Anavar and other steroids will help you gain more knowledge and understanding of how anabolics work. But only you have the power to get the maximum results for your body type!
Is it true that with Oxandrolone PCT is not needed
If during the cycle small doses were taken, then the absolute truth is the fact that post-cycle therapy with Oxandrolone is not required but it is still recommended.But if the dosages were already significant, then PCT will definitely be needed. What to include? First of all, these are testosterone boosters (for example, it can be tribulus), as well as vitamin E and zinc. In addition, the delivery of tests will not be amiss. And the specialist, already focusing on the results, will make a decision whether you need Clomid or Tamoxifen or whether you can do without these drugs. PCT should be run for approximately 3 weeks. Each person is different and trial and error play a key role in your PCT cycle.
The final stage
Many experts around the world recommend using Anavar for building a dream body. Anavar will allow muscles to remain intact while body fat is burned at a high rate. After all, here is simply an ideal ratio of price, quality, and as a result, the output is just an ideal body.Some individuals in sports naively believe that achieving an optimal result when bulking their body is a fairly inexpensive and easy affair. In the realities of everyday life, everything is quite different. To increase your endurance, gain muscle mass and qualitatively highlight the necessary relief, it is more advisable to use specialized (potent) drugs. With the help of them there is an incredible opportunity (in the shortest time periods) to bring your body to optimal physical condition.
This factor is confirmed by numerous, and most importantly, truthful reviews of many illustrious bodybuilders. They confirm with full confidence the fact that Anavar has (has in its composition) many of the most important ingredients that can increase the strength (and other) indicators of almost any athlete. ANABOLIC STEROIDS WILL WORK MORE EFFECTIVELY AND EFFICIENTLY WHEN DIET AND TRAINING REMAIN CONSTANT. Make a routine AND stick to it!!

Five reasons to include Anavar in steroid cycles for Bodybuilding | Advantages of Oxandrolone - Secrets of bodybuilding and muscles training
The most harmless anabolic, regarding the manifestation of unwanted reactions, is recognized by Anavar. After all, it is well known that in the first...

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