SB Labs

Anxiety and stress

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Well-known member
Hey everyone been a good minute since I’ve been on these boards. Hope everyone is smashing goals and pussy!! I have started a trt dose of 200 mg every two weeks and it gave me anxiety and I stressed the entire time to the point of migraines. I since have lowered my dose has anybody else experienced this type of shit when taking testosterone?
Plenty of people have those issues that’s why finding them dose that Meade s you feel the best is so important.
Yeah you’ll definitely have to try and see what’s best for you ! My trt dr does 1x a week and will not raise above my levels above 750 . Witch is why I ended up here gathered all this great knowledge from everyone and decide to do my own trt getting my own bloods and pinning 80mg 2x a week test c . Numbers are close to 900/1000 where I like it . I hope you find you sweet spot brother !!
Test E and C levels actually start falling around day 4. Once every two weeks your levels are dropping pretty far after every shot. This is probably a contributing factor to the way you are feeling.
Depending on the state you live in, you can order your own bloods and pay in cash. Ive been doing this for years, at this point my doctor just takes my word for it when I message him letting him know something is off and asking for a dose alteration on xyz prescription.

Take the guessing out of it, take the appointments out of it, take the stress out of it. Why wait 3 months to find out your estrogen is sky high or tanked? Quality of life is too important.

As others have mentioned, once a week minimum. A lot of TRT forums guys are moving to ED/EOD injections of their Tesosterone, regardless of ester. I personally am on Test Phenyl Prop M/W/F for my TRT and love it. Though I cant get away with subq with any prop esters like I can Test E or Test C.
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