Anyone else’s have acne problems

Dry cracking lips and skin eyes always dried out. It can be really damaging to your entire body because what it does is dry out the oil and moisture production of your entire body inside and outside. This is the simplest explanation because im not a doctor lol
Its rough on your liver and kidneys bloodwork is a must if a doctor prescribes it.
It can be some really bad stuff but it can also be a savoir. I personally only had minor side effects the lip and skin issues I was very lucky and it worked extremely well for me.
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Thanks for the Dawn dish soap info…
Definitely going to give this a try.
Never had any acne issues until TRT and of course the cycles…
I’m sure its going to be person dependent. If I would have known about it before accutane I would have given it a shot, but after 7 month accutane run I get 0 pimples anymore
I’m on my second month of accutane running 60mg daily at the moment, but my skin is improving significantly. Only side effects is dry skin, very sensitive skin too, and dry lips but that’s about it. I’ve been wondering though, if you can run a cycle and accutane at the same time. Probably too risky