Anyone having issues getting Symbiotech to respond?

I’ve recently contacted him and he responded quite promptly. How long have you been trying to contact him? Also keep in mind, sources do have lives outside of being a source.
Islandswole said:
Also keep in mind, sources do have lives outside of being a source.
Call me old-fashioned (hey, I’m in my 50’s) but if you want to set up an online shop, stock products, set up a payment system, and advertise, customer service should be a priority.

eBay has their sellers scared sh!tless because buyers rate them on communication, item description, shipping speed, etc. Sellers are highly motivated to keep high stats.

I agree though @Islandswole everyone has lives. If you’re a source and you know you’re going to be out of the loop for a day (or longer), set an auto-reply, make a post on the forum, post it on the website, do something instead of just leaving the customer hanging.
This stuff isn’t eBay or Amazon brother. There could be a number of reasons he isn’t replying to this guy on their end. Some sources won’t respond if you aren’t using an approved email, or aren’t saying what board you’re from or not using an encrypted network etc etc. I got a response each time we talked within the hour. Everything was prompt and on my end the customer service has been phenomenal.
Yup. Sources don’t have to respond or sell to everyone. I know they recently moved and could be busy and not taking new clients. Many sources do that when they have a steady client base they trust. It’s bettet to have the ones you trust and be in the game for years than be too greedy and to too big. You never know and it’s harder to keep quality once you go bigger.
Maybe he’s not responding because some people
Do stupid shit like ask a source to provide a return address or even worse use their personal work email when contacting them. Guys use your brains this isn’t exactly legal shit nor is it Wal-Mart or eBay or amazon.

If he’s not responding there’s a reason for this. He’s a great guy and will bend over backwards for anyone but if you do stupid things don’t expect a reply. Their are several other sources to chose from if you’re not happy.
Agreed brother, so many of us here casually email him for advice and he gladly gives it with out ever trying to push any product down your throat. Plenty of times I was planning to order more than I actually needed and he actually talked me out of it and assured I wouldn’t need that much so I should save the extra dough. What other sponsor do you know that would suggest such a thing?
Never once had a problem with Symbiotec not responding. Communication is always on point. They have my utmost respect.
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