Apologies for mutliple accounts and rage, also new cycle

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This is a very true statement that I myself have changed so much your definitely correct and yes everyone is welcome at ugmuscle.
I want to help but I don’t know if he really wants help.
Its a gram and a half it depends he is going for his pro card but definitely needs to practice more Harm Reduction.
Blood work is basic 10wk test cycle stuff
Donating blood is really important in my opinion
EQ is looking to also be a bit of an AI and Letrozole is crazy strong especially once it builds up I believe that he crashed his estrogen especially with that dose.
Poppy said:
The letro alone will decimate his estro negating most of it unless he is an estrogen factory I don’t know any guys that are competing that take letro period I know 5 of them and a few ladies not even their trainers take it
Yeah although everyone is different, but for some reason I essentially am attributing the Eq to why my E2 is low when on a 500 Test C/ 700 EQ run. Can’t find official publications, but anecdotally from reviewing others blood work and general blogs, EQ appears to counteract the ability to convert test to E2, and it may actually aromatize to estrone or possibly a different derivative. Im dropping EQ after current cycle and replacing it with NPP/TPP blend for a late fall run (keeping test dosage the same but including proviron). Still getting great gains but can tell that my low E2 is causing some undesired affects with libido and may also be partially hindering my lean muscle increase. Going to get some bloodwork done soon to check my final weeks on before starting my PCT.
I never knew anything about EQ supposedly being in some way an estrogen inhibitor is strange and hearing this almost makes me believe that EQ could be different than the original nowadays. There was nothing in the science on EQ or boldenone that shows it being an inhibitor but it was made for horses so we only have blood work from some including you having low estrogen it makes me wonder if the molecular structure of the boldenone going around is actually the same as the original.
@John no reply you were completely right I have tried to help @cpurvis multiple times now and have been turned away every time I try to help.

Why come here asking for help then not accept the help?
I don’t understand
I believe this thinking comes from the more plates more dates guy. He reviewed people’s bloodwork on EQ and there was correlation between Low estro and EQ. I read his write up on it. I personally am not a fan of the way he disseminates information. He is knowledgable, more so than me for sure, but he seems to confuse correlation and causation a great deal.

He’s the only place I’ve ever heard speak of EQ preventing test from aromatizing, EQ is nephrotoxic, and DHB is liver toxic. So. I’m not saying he’s not wrong, but I’m not saying he’s totally right… @Bigmurph
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I don’t believe it at all I just recently have started to hear this and this guy must have made a good argument but unless like I was saying that they changed boldenone it shouldn’t have effects on estrogen.
I am really interested in if this is legit but I still don’t understand or believe how it would happen or why it started happening recently because it has never come up over all my years knowing these compounds.
I’m with you. I feel like there’s been way too research with EQ for it to all of a sudden come out that it prevents aromatization. Also, then Iranian boys run 250-300 of test and 1200 of eq in the off season from what I can find. None of those guys would be able to function much less compete.
Not unlike left ventricle enlargement when using high test doses, it returns when eq is stopped or your test returns to normal physiological doses.
That’s my problem with this idea also is that EQ gets run at super high levels usually with lower testosterone. If it was acting as an inhibitor I believe that we would have definitely heard about it years ago.

Im starting to believe that this could possibly be the set up to them changing the molecular structure and it becoming something else.
Scarry thought if I was going to run eq I would definitely be testing it to make sure that its really eq.
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