SB Labs

April 18th edition of diets and bodybuilding

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I know brother. I might have one tomorrow. My labs are in a couple weeks and I don’t want to skew my sugar.
Give yourself some credit! You e been pretty strict and killing it consistently since I’ve been on the board and known you. Minus a few normal aches, pains, and viruses…You’ve been doing it right and with the help of the HGH and new cycle you’re running, you will be happy by birthday.

I’ll stay on your ass, if you continue to stay on my ass and keep me from getting discouraged when my DEXA’s don’t come back with CBum type of numbers every time. 😬
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Holy shit, I just spit a hard boiled egg out to reading this. Guess I really need to start proof reading my fat finger typing again. 😂😂
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