SB Labs

April 24th edition of diets and training

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Yeah I’m not looking fwd to the heat. The older i get the less tolerant i am of it. Going to be miserable down here in about 2 months…you know.
You can see forever. The biggest bump we got here is the high rise bridges over the waterways.
I love being in the mountains. That mountain in the distance is Bluff Mt that looks over Pigeon Forge. I climbed a big white pine by that tower on that mountain. I had to top it and drop it. First time I’ve ever been sea sick. That log was rocking and I was looking over Pigeon Forge. I was immediately sick and dizzy.
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Was going to rest and decided to hit some shoulders. Had egg whites and waffles. An orange, banana and some strawberries with my shake. Having steak and mushroom sandwich in a bit then spicy PB chicken and rice
Lot’s of folks from my area coastal nc go to pigeon forge to get married/honeymoon
I see a lot of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana tags. Every so often you see New Jersey or New York tags. People love these mountains. I loved them a lot more before all the people started loving them. Traffic stays worse around here than Knoxville, Chattanooga, or Nashville.
I know the feeling. Around here starting about now…and memorial day our population quadruples with beach traffic. Extra bad Thursday afternoon to Sunday evening. Can’t even get a gallon of blasted milk without sitting in ridiculous traffic.
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