SB Labs

April 24th edition of diets and training

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That’s the difference. I’m talking before. I’ve got a 200 pounder who only moves from midnight until about 4 in the morning with a massive rack.
I don’t know who the s.o.b. That dreamed these up…I could throttle them.

I’ve thought about just slaying his big ass in the dark of the early morning. My luck I’d fall back to sleep about the time he rolled by.
Ha ha,my dad talks about falling asleep sometimes in the stand,YET,we Never have harnesses on in the stand,not me I stay wide awake even when I bring my weed pen.
I’ve fell asleep and had folks come looking for me. It’s just so peaceful out in the middle of the woods. Which is odd because when I’m home I need some type of noise going to sleep. It’s just comfortable in the woods I guess.
I noticed recently the coyotes hadn’t been following the deer in. I got out just strolling and figured out why I believe. I found some big bobcat tracks and I’ve heard it once or twice. Even though I’d like to slay it. I believe I’ll let it be for the time being.
I have a cheat meal when my brain goes too much in asshole mode which is every 6-8 days. I have 3 flavors of protein powder. When I only had one it was a definite struggle. I’ve got peanut butter cookie, strawberry, and chocolate milkshake, all syntha-6 EDGE. I really like this stuff! It has a nice protein blend and tastes great!

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I seen a lot a yotes at end of my bow season,so Jan 31st, especially as it got dark,they startled me.
I usually hear coyote around here year round. I’ve had them on the front porch sniffing around after the cats. I thought I killed them off about 2 years back. I killed nearly 20 of them. They’re back to having a big pack again but not coming around nearly as much. Was hearing them every night before.
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