Morning all.Breakfast was Plain bagel,oikos,grapes,R1 shake,water.No work today,finished the job yesterday.Goin to bum around the house today give it a cleaning,give the dogs a bath.Gonna do some shrugs and squats later.
5 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 6 oz top sirloin, 6 oz shrimp. Hit back pretty good today, then 20 minutes of sprints. 30 sec on then 1 min walked. Finished the rest of the hour walking at top incline at 4 for speed :muscle:t3::muscle:t3:
Had a larger breakfast and post workout today. Pushed a very large portion of carbs towards my chest training to grow them. By the end of my cream of rice and fruit pre and post I’ve blown through 760g carbs and 120g protein lol
Today is the same diet of protein/oat shakes and turkey breast/rice meals. Today is a cardio only day. I haven’t done cardio in a month due to an injury in my adductor that would cramp causing me to limp home on my walk. I hope it goes well. I really miss cardio for my mental health. The fat loss was a lot faster too.
Hit chest and triceps before work. Had oatmeal and egg whites, then a protein shake and banana, yogurt with and orange, 2 pieces of toast with 2 eggs and then…I misplaced my will power and had a chicken cutlet sub with pasta salad and a massive piece of strawberry shortcake. My manager is retiring and work threw him a surprise retirement party. It would to refuse right lol
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