Aromasin vs bone density

Not entirely false either. Each person reacts different to different drugs. You may be more susceptible to getting gyno then another person running same cycle. Yes you would need blood work done if you have issues and your estrogen blockers aren’t working but to say everyone needs blood work before no not true. Most people aren’t serious bodybuilders so for them a simple anti estrogen blocker is ok or not even one at all if no side effects and you keep your levels lower. Most on here especially are just learning about gear or are new to gear. So yes this is good knowledge to have and share.
I agree with this completely.
I would say that I do think that everyone should get blood work done but you’re right in the fact that it isn’t a requirement and every one is definitely different and reacts differently.

++well said

Im really interested in the information on caber because I also know that everything written and read doesn’t always translate into real life experience. Especially because we use the compounds differently than most studies or written descriptions are based on.
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