Attention Members: New policy moving forward


ICU nurse/Moderator
Moving forward if you are posting blood work for a specific sponsor (positive or negative) a screenshot of the actual lab work from a lab will be required.

If you are asking for input based on lab values this will not be necessary.

If you are posting for a sponsor: look at my labs this gear is great, etc YOU MUST POST A SCREENSHOT OF ACTUAL LAB PAPERWORK.

If this is not present in your post, your post will automatically be deleted.

This is the only way to keep the whole field level and support our members the best way possible.

This rule makes perfect sense. It will be interesting to read the new excuses vendors come up with when there gear seems under dosed.
The same can be said of someone who wants to sabotage a sponsor by not using any of their AAS and getting blood work done while natural then posting it with a picture of the sponsor‘s product. 🤔
Ive purchased pharma in US, Mexico and Europe I swear was severely underdosed or fake and just thrown it out. And I’ve had UG gear that hit like freight train and got huge results. Some compounds you wont find in any pharmacy. Currently on @OneQ and his products are better then some pharma gh Ive taken in the past. Three times better then Chinese gh.

Some ug labs are stricter in how they run their quality control. Ive been in some “pharma labs” in Europe that are sold online and it was very shitty.
I absolutely agree. Realistically results are only going to be accepted when they’re positive. There is always going to be away for both sides to be slippery. A person should be able to gain a reasonable level of confidence a source is good based on others feedback. If you have no confidence in a source find another source. It’s that simple.

I’m just saying there’s not much point in posting negative reviews. If your not satisfied find another source.
Thats what Im currently on right now and love it. Honestly never plan on getting off this stuff. What i need to do is get some humalog sent to me so I can try it with that combined.