BBSQ5 - Esquel Labs Fitness/Cycle Log

Thursday: Back

-Hammer Strength Wide Lat Pulldown
3 sets of warmup
4 sets progressive

-Hammer T-Bar
4 sets progressive

-DB Bent Over 1-arm Row
3 sets

-Seated Cable Row (Close Grip)
3 sets

-Hammer Strength Iso-Lat High Row
3 sets
Friday…Decided to take today off and just veg out on couch watching Fargo series.

Pinned right thigh and all went well.

Saturday: Shoulders
-Smith Machine front press
3 sets warm up
4 sets progressive overload

-Cable Upright Rows
3 sets progressive overload

-Cable Lateral Raises
3 sets progressive overload

-Cable Supinated Front Raises
3 sets progressive overload

-Cable Face Pulls (Longer Rope)
3 sets progressive overload
Yeah,fuck the whole force-feeding shit,i am not making myself feel like shit while i stuff my face,to get bigger.
I used to eat chicken thighs because it was easier to chew and swallow with the extra fat content. But ever since I upped my water intake it’s been a lot easier and I eat chicken breast now instead thighs. Which we all knows a lot dryer at least to me. I eat five meals a day easily but not for calories though.
. That force feeding shit definitely takes away from the fun
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Yeah, I see folks at my gym force feed themselves before and after workout and it makes my stomach hurt to watch. I’m sure you can grow faster by forcing more calories, but I’m with you @John on not feeling like shit.

I do supplement with shakes, but I’m lazy and buy the premade shakes, like lean body, so they’re not enough calories to really alleviate skipping a full meal.
Boneless and skinless thighs are for sure a nice change from dry chicken breast all the time and I still buy them to mix in. They’re not quite as bad as you think and for sure taste better the next day versus dryer breasts.
I was force feeding for a while now my body is used to the volume. There’s nothing worse than trying to sleep and you just start throw up from eating to much
Sunday: Arms

Triceps - 3 different exercises for 4 sets each. I try to get a good number of reps between 12+ each set, cause the heavier I go on this, I end up feeling it in elbows and I don’t like half ass sets with pain.

Biceps - 3 different bicep exercises with about same setup as triceps, but a bit heavier than I would push for triceps, getting at least 10+ reps per set.

Monday: Legs

Hammer Strength Hack Squats
3 sets warm up higher reps
4 sets progressive load with lowest set coming in at 11 reps.

Smith Machine RDL’s
4 sets progressive overload with lowest set at 10 reps. Working back up to regular barbell RDL’s and Smith machine gives me a bit more control and allows my grip to get less exhausted, even though I have straps.

Lying Down Leg Curls
4 sets progressive

Leg Extensions
Stopped at 3 sets due to slight twinge under left knee cap, but felt ok after I stopped.

Skipped calves on leg day again, because I try to do them mixed in on other days and my legs were spent.
Monday: Legs

Still pinning same dose Mon/Wed/Fri. Week two of the Dbol and running at 50mg PWO about 2.5 hours before. Not sure what to make of it yet and have never taken it before, so not sure what this great feeling is that everyone gets, along with the strength, size, etc.

-Hammer Hack Squats
3 warm up sets again (Kind of always do).
4 sets progressive

-Smith Machine RDL’s
4 sets of 15 at same weight

-Lying Leg Curls
4 sets light increase in progressive each set

-Leg Extension
4 sets light progressive
Dbol always gave me moon face. Retained lots of water and face blew up. Puffy!!!

I haven’t done it in decades. Don’t miss it.
I seem to remember it giving me a boost pwo. Then again I was in my late 20’s early 30’s and full of piss and vinegar anyways. Probably could of raged on a tictac if I was told different.
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Well, I for sure am getting stronger…But that could be a combo of the 3 oils and the Dbol. Haven’t gotten moon face (don’t want it) and luckily haven’t blown up with water retention. I try to keep diet, sodium, hydration, and E2 levels balanced, so I have heard that helps tremendously when taking stuff like Dbol and whatnot.

I just know that size wise, all fits well with jeans, pants, shorts, and shirts still. I guess I was expecting the horseshit you read about putting on 15+ pounds and whatnot, but I am in no means in a hurry to blow up or fluff up. I’m good putting on 15 leaner pounds over the course of the next 16 weeks versus a ton of blow up weight with too much water retention and over eating calorie wise just to out weight in fast.

I just have to be patient and maybe it’s doing what it’s supposed to at the 50mg PWO. Better to lot notice a ton of weird shit and give it a shot, I am guessing. Could be under-dosed, or I could have a good tolerance, so who knows.
BBSQ5 said:
Could be under-dosed, or I could have a good toleranc
I feel you on this. First time dropping drol 50s for pwo the muscle group I worked on were super warm and pumped. Anyways the warmness was super crazy and very likeable. By day 3 all that shit was gone. Talk about a fucking tolerance adjustment. And there’s no way in hell I picked two correct or overdosed pills out of a bag of 50 and the rest were shit. That tolerance shit definitely throws you/ me off.
Yeah, I’m not sure what to think. I’m sure it’s doing what it’s supposed to and that I just have outrageous thoughts or expectations on what it is I am supposed to be feeling.
Tuesday: Off Day

Wednesday: Chest with routine done same as last week.

Pin still feeling good and hope to notice some goodness here in the coming weeks with it just being into second week.
Thursday: Back

Hammer Strength Lat Pulldown
  • 3 sets warm up
    -4 sets strong progressive overload to keep reps around 6-8 per set.
T-Bar Row
-4 sets wide row progressive

1-arm DB row on bench
-3 sets of 10-12 various weight

Low Cable Row
-3 sets progressive

Hammer ISO-Lateral High Row
3 sets progressive
Friday: Shoulders

-Smith Machine Press
3 warm up sets (I know you all probably laugh at my warm up sets for every exercise, but I found a few years ago that my body limbers up better if I do warm up sets on first exercise)
4 sets progressive
1 set final burn out low weight

-Cable Upright Rows
3 sets same weight due to a bit of a shoulder impingement that I didn’t want to push too hard in this motion and not be able to do shoulders for awhile.

-Cable Lateral Raises
3 sets

-Front Raises (Supinated)
3 sets

-Face Pulls
3 sets
Sunday: Arms

-DB Skull Crushers
3 sets warm up
4 sets progressive

-Cable Straight Bar Push Down
3 sets

-Reverse Cable
3 sets

-DB Hammer Curls
4 sets

-EZ Bar Drag Curls
4 sets

-Seated Alternating Curl Machine
3 sets