SB Labs


Honestly just a preference, I feel like I can lift longer and harder when I take it intra.
Also the kind I get is super refreshing :facepunch:
Eaas are much better than bcaas! Especially if used intraworkout with cyclic dextrins. I use John Meadows company Granite Supplements “Recovery Factor” shit is the fkn bomb! I can literally destroy myself and barely be sore next day helps a ton when hitting bodyparts twice weekly
Eaas are the effective part of bcaas the part that makes them anabolic. Leucine being the most anabolic of eaas or bcaas. Leucine at 7+ grams triggers mTor and many other anabolic pathways and really is the main component of why eaas and bcaas are effective.
Ok I just watched some videos confirming what @Fitraver said, so I will be purchasing whatever is recommended from you guys and it seems the most important ones like u said are the eaas mainly leucine,isoleucine and valine does that sound about right??
Thanks for everyone’s input, I am goin down the list of what everyone suggested and will be going from there with purchasing.
@granitesupplements? Yes its called Recovery Factor