Beginner looking for advice

Been out of the gym for 4 yrs due to broken back. 6’1" 215 currently. Use to work out 4-5 days a week and had decent size. Been hitting weights again for the last 4 months. Must say it feels good to be back in the gym. Looking to lower body fat and pack on some lean muscle mass.
Would like to get back in shape, the years of inactivity has made me soft and mushy. Body fat is at 28% and would like to get it down to 15-20%. Also want to put as much lean muscle mass as I can.
Welcome! What NeuroRN said! You will aromatize more and develop slower with 28% bodyfat. I started my journey at 23.8% bodyfat, but am now probably 16-18%, and now, I feel every lift and every injection infinitely more and get more out of each. There also is an important psychological component: with lower bodyfat, you will SEE your development quicker, and this will incentivize you even more. You may or may not need that, but it has really helped me to see a vein or two!

As for your cycle, when you get there, I would go with Test at 500mg/week and NPP in lieu of Deca at 350mg/week. Also, I’m a fanatic for throwing Masteron prop in with every cycle because it aids in estrogen management and is a fantastic cutting compound. You could add that at 350mg/week as well.

Good luck and good gains.
Welcome sir. I agree with others… maybe get your diet dialed in drop your bf% some first.

Please dont be discouraged.

Start a log… set a goal and you will have a bunch of us cheering you along. We dont do “criticism” here unless its constructive and worded in a non confrontational manner.
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I think it’s a natural test booster. Want to say it’s like prohormome for test. Not 100 but I think I used it as base with sarms
I agree, seeing results does wonders for you mentally. Once I started seeing the vascularity and the striations starting, I pushed even harder. It’s great motivation so if you can get your BF down a bit and then start, I think you will much happier with your progress and visible results
Welcome, brother! You didn’t say how old you are, but if you are 35+ I would highly recommend getting your testosterone levels checked. I good urologist can do this and it is usually covered by insurance.