Bicep injections and various inject questions

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Whos has pinned the bi’s? Tips ?.. And has anybody else had their deca/test turn milky mixed? And has anybody had their needle get clogged during inject?.. Fuckin A bro…
Yeah I don’t know how people do that right in the biceps. Theres youtube videos of guys who inject their muscles with large amounts of coconut oil to make them big that shit is crazy and dumb. You guys see that online yet?
In the years ive done it ive never had the problem. Everything is nice and clear but once the two touch its milky… Straight up semen bro!.. I was injecting my delt today and the plunger all of a sudden got stuck would not budge or nothing. So I pull it out my delt and go to pull the plunger back and then the plunger sucks right back up to its last location indicating suction and cloggage.
And for my knowledge you’re supposed to hit the outer head on the bi? I’m not big by any means necessary yet haha but it’s a pain to stretch over all the way to hit the delt squarely and then use my index to press down on the plunger. So my main concern is this milky situation and I will probably stop using delts and switch to bi’s.
Spotinjectionsdotcom is pretty informative but I’m curious as to actual pinners in that spot I don’t care about the pain I’m willing to do what it takes…
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I know one day thing i think I’m done with front delts. They just hurt for days after injecting a with me
Honestly the advice you guys gave me made delts my favorite spot to pin. Way easier to get right than quads and almost never any blood, even with my monster needles.
I use quads calves and delts… Since the chicken head is gone delts is an issue… Come Wednesday night yall gonna know how it went… I try and do a perfect three and a half day split Sunday morning Wednesday nights.I still don’t know what’s up with that milky stuff though what the fuck guysssssss
Fucking calves, shit you’re brave. I refuse to use any small muscle like that. Chances of hitting a blood vessel or nerve just scare me too much.
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I’m currently using Test E and Deca. I’ve been mixing the two together in the same needle with no problem for over a month. Try reaching out to your sponsor. I wouldn’t use it without an explanation.
Yeah Ive seen them. It’s crazy. Not a good look. And I don’t understand how they think it looks good. I chalk it up to them having body image disorders.
Milky? Never seen that. I’d contact your sponsor. Bicep IM injection? No. Same with calves. For me it’s like 10 days PIP hobbling around. Or not being able to fully extend my arm. Only odd places I’ve tried recently is chest and lats. But that’s with a 1/2 27 gauge Slin pin.
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