Bicep injections and various inject questions

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LATS and a Slin pin is a good alt. Got that one from @PHD. Also traps. But I’m too nervous about that one…
I’ve added lats into the rotation and it’s been very helpful. Delts are getting a bit crunchy
Lats? I’d be too creeped out for that. I was panicking and getting sweaty hands for my one and only quad IM lol
Im kinda going with crashing. Has nobody read when i said it got clogged? But doesnt crash gear give major pip? Id hate not to mix because then i am just adding an extra pin spot for a .5ml… Such a tiny doseage
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I was doing fine until the plunger got stuck not really stuck but clogged same difference… like I said when I pull it out of my delt and went to pull the plunger back down to change pins the plunger shot right back up to its original spot indicating suction it’s kind of hard to maximize pushing pressure on an index finger and then when the clog finally breaks free you’re stuck shoving a bunch of gear real fast into the injection site …once I removed the PIN the plunger was free to move up and down. and then I replaced with a new ppin .when I went in the other delt same thing happened again then whatever busted loose into my arm and the plunger started going back down with ease.
The bottles are clear bro… Only happens in the ringe… Wednesday night when i pin these massive biceps im going to run hot water over the ringe. See what happens. Also ive had no pip whatsoever. completely none.
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Thousands of times, are you drawing up multiple compounds in the same syringe? Also run your vials under really warm water for a few min before hand. If you are not mixing and can afford it toss it out
wrap your vials in a heating pad for about 10-15 min before you draw them out, much more sanitary than water option. I personally pin traps, lats, delts, chest, tri (usually slin pin), both glute locations, and three quad locations, the “clogging” thing will be helped by warming the compounds first but t300 and deca300 are fairly thick compounds unless the source is using poly guaiacol but with it turning milky when mixed i would almost bet the source is using poly in 1 of the 2 and guaiacol in the other of the 2, in which case the milky would happen, however poly would be a very unique agent to use in either of the 2. I have hit bi’s a couple times in the past, you are correct in hitting outer head but i personally never could perfect it, hope this helps
Thank you so much. This was very informative. The reason for the delt issue was the cloggage and the reach over plus straining. Why would the poly be so unique? Also Im considering this as a forced learning experience (good thing) far as different pin sites as i plan to hit it harder eventually and feel more sites will be necessary. Also thank you as well for the more sanitary option as opposed to the hot water. Theres three quad locations??? Do tell… Also even with the heating technique would the milkyness stay?
Poly is usually only used in water based injects, technically there is an upper, middle, and lower quad site, the way i was trained is take a hand and place it at the top of the leg (thumb at bend of hip) and other hand at bottom of quad (pinky at the 90 bend) the area in between can handle 3 shots (one closer to the top hand, one closer to the bottom hand, and one dead in the middle). (@NeuroRN would prolly be able to explain this better or even tell you i am completely incorrect lol) Yes more sites will be better in the long run, and i am assuming since the milky only happens when the 2 are mixed that it is a chemical reactions between the 2 so i do not see where the temp would make that better or worse
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As long as it helps push through this 25 gauge I guess I’ll be all right… thanks… And I’m definitely going to look at this quad thing a little further
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We were taught to put pinky on the hip, make a goal post with the thumbs, and your injection spot is in-between the index fingers of the “goal post” there are three possible spots as you stated. We usually only use the upper third of the thigh though. Actually we hardly use this in practice now, mostly everything is IV in the
ICU. unless you crazy and acting up then we use IM injections to make you go NINIGHT.
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