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BIDEN defends athletes who turn there back on the flag

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That’s my plan there are many islands I love and life is amazing there no bs just very different with food and electric
This goes back to what I was going to post on @Rusty post… very few people in the Gen Z and younger think they have to work for anything in their life and it should all be handed to them on a silver fucking plate. It’s all about what have you done for me lately and what can you do for me now, it’s disgusting.
This is 100% true and giving away the bank is the quickest way to send all the money overseas and boom were bankrupt. Dollar will crash and we will all be struggling but we can say remember when Biden was santa clause smh
I think there should be some more stringent requirements to becoming President rather than just being older than 36 (I beleive, I can’t remember civics class from 25 years ago) and being a natural born US citizen… things like Military service come to mind, and understanding of international business and multi national Econ… not just being able to fool all the poor fuckers out there like the pied piper and leading them all off a cliff like a heard of lemmings…
Biden sucks agreed and I don’t nor would I ever turn my back on my flag but the fact people have a right to do that is why we’re still the best country! Right or wrong free country 🇺🇸
First. It doesn’t surprise me. Second. It become the norm to support anyone but people that support this country. Third it’s now blatant disrespect for clout. Most that do this come from the most privileged families. Fouth. And final. No one in this country is currently enslaved. And if you call me a Caucasian or Mayo monkey. Snow roach, I will call you out and have. Race is now a clout card on social media. Let it happen all this talk about separate towns. Clubs. Businesses and whatnot, that’s called segregation… 😂 we are literally going backwards. 😂
You just have to be a citizen over 36 that’s all anyone can be president smh its fucking crazy smh this man im sorry but at 78 is to old to be president a medical cognitive test must be done I really believe this and his bs of saying why I don’t need one is the reason he does need one why not prove that you can still process thought even our allies are taking advantage of this situation of him being president its ridiculous now
TBU said:
Are people using Caucasian as hate speech now against white individuals?

I just haven’t heard it yet but it doesn’t surprise me they have won everyone hates everyone how this happened oh that’s right last year while the vp was bonding out criminals who all just got pardoned but everyone at the capital was charged with a crime?
I didn’t see the capital burning down I just saw people walking around

Anyone who touched a cop deserves to be arrested but the rest did nothing wrong

I have also seen the video of the poor air force veteran woman who they shot and killed for nothing and the people recording that video were from BLM I actually believe democratic operatives who got her killed for a video wtf
God bless her 🙏

Sorry I went on a rant im so upset about all this shit @TBU
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Yeah, I’d have to say I agree with this more. It’s infuriating and disrespectful to see, but this is the harder side of freedom we have to face sometimes.

Having a law, unfortunately there is no way of determining where the line is drawn, on what is right or wrong. And can be used in nefarious ways into the future, when new lobbies and politicians get seated in.

I sympathize with everyone’s anger here, but my core values would not impose any law in this situation.
TBU said:
Most that do this come from the most privileged families.
I’ve noticed this trend with my peers. I try to stay alittle bit in touch with some of my highschool friends, and people I’ve met over the years. They say a lot of things almost like they’ve never talked to a black person before. Honestly some of the crap they are saying now would have gotten me shot 10 years ago…

I reflected more on this when I looked back at where I grew up, there are a lot of immigrants from the Caribbean and all I was exposed to was every color you could think of, and a constant hate for socialism and love for capitalism.
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