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BIDEN defends athletes who turn there back on the flag

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My Haitian boss, I asked him one time how he is so happy doing this crappy job. I was an electrician at the time, running conduit and pulling wire. All he had to say to me is “beats working the rice fields for 30 cents an hour”
Journeyman means he knows everything I believe right?

People who are migrants are very dedicated to the American dream my people didn’t come herd until the 1900s my ancestors and so many others rolled the dice. I understand why migrants come and they should but there has to be a solid border and a system of laws and courts that handle cases and until the cases are handled no benefits. That’s how it worked for my people and so many others to gain citizenship isn’t easy they gotta learn everything and prove there citizenship. I believe now they just get green cards and they ask them were in the country do they want to go its absolutely crazy Biden has broken multiple constitutional laws he should be under impeachment. I mean damn they did it to Clinton for getting some strange and Trump for a phone call. SMH SMH
I didn’t get that far into electricians work but if I rember correctly there is a specific amount of time you’ve had to work in the field multiple years, and is well versed in the varying code enforcements across a district.

For my side of things, we legally could not start work unless a journeyman is on site.
A journeyman at our plant was the “expert” in his trade. Our next step was work leader… a journeyman in charge of a crew.
Yeah it’s thrown around as an insult now. I tell people I am not from the caucus mountains and have the DNA testing to prove it. Unlike most that use the term negatively cannot. 😒
I see that’s fucked up it seems like the governments goal is to make everybody racist which is a recipe for disaster.

If you study the civil war its funny you can find alot of things in government that are happening that were happening then its starting to look like the old conspiracy theories about the civil war might be true everything about pike and the masons making money hand over fist war mongers supplying both sides.
Jasse James famous outlaw famous first secret agent also someone in government had to tell him where the money was to steal. They were playing both sides back then there playing both sides today its gone off the rails smh
They are trying to keep us divide and fighting amongst ourselves, While behind the curtain they attend to their agenda lining their pockets full of our money and trying to take away our freedoms or the principals of what our nation was founded on.
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This is what infuriates me do these athletes understand that the national anthem means and flag stands for I don’t believe that athletes really do because they say it doesn’t speak for them well it doesn’t really speak to anyone unless you’re crazier than me lol seriously though they should atleast be forced to take a history class on America who knows what athletes were taught nowadays in these batshit crazy schools.
This is what I believe there’s conspiracy theories about the Civil War and the Masons actually causing it and getting rich in the process.
I believe that they don’t want war but you can manipulate alot today and make alot of money especially if you know what’s going to happen next?? I don’t know this is how it feels were getting played by these fuckers everyone
Yeah people got to wake up. If we really even knew. Somtimes truth is stranger then fiction. It’s crazy how that kind of evil can exist in the world because of greed
Has everyone seen the athlete in 2019 drapped in an American flag looking really happy to represent the usa.

She wanted the press to become famous im glad that they made her look horrible she deserves it for disrespect for the American flag and the Olympic team USA
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