Body Fat Measurement Experience


USN - Retired
Staff member
So, who uses what for the closest BF percentage measurements and what’s their experiences??

I have had the water displacement done in last and have compared results to Lange and Slim Guide calipers with pretty close results. Granted, once you study and learn how to do the 7 caliper measurement areas and averages etc., it becomes a bit better guide to track your own personal numbers. When I did caliper next day of getting water displacement, it was within 1% of each other, which I know isn’t always true to scale, but at least a good gauge on tracking at home for personal use to see if your numbers are staying steady, increasing, or decreasing.
The only time calipers are inaccurate is when you go below 4% body fat. The rest of the time they are close. Now. 1% BF of error if your have OCD is not acceptable 😂 Is it 5% or 7%. That’s an issue for some. Me. I’m fat. So Fuck it.
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If you buy a trusted one, like the slim guide for reasonable price off Amazon, it comes with instructions. YouTube also has good tutorials on the 7 site preferred method.
If you have someone with experience, calipers are a valuable tool. If you are looking for the “gold standard” DEXA is the most accurate.
Love my new “Skulpt Chisel.”

Numerous comparisons show the results be be within 1% of a Dexa scan. And the device only costs $100-$150.
It’s a bit of a pain to use, but well worth it.
Well speaking of low fat content, my venison jerky is low in fat…
My buddy did, his first ever so I gutted n butchered it, I tried somewhat teaching him but I was in a rush, but I got over half the deer so it was worth it. I will be picky with my deer until after rut(as in big bucks only) then the rest of season, I will whack whatever comes within range.