Geek's Big Guns Recomp

@Jonny when it comes to healing in the performance enhancement context, there isn’t any, as we all well know. We can infer a lot from what we know about these substances tho. I’ll ask my coach the reasoning behind it. My best guess is to create as anabolic environment as possible to facilitate tissue healing.

That said, that doesn’t mean we go do every weird therapy under the sun cuz some internet huckster is trying to sell branded red bulbs. 😂 This is an apples to oranges comparison. You’re trying to draw a false equivalency between proven internet woo and using diabetes drugs for performance enhancing reasons (something pretty common in the bodybuilding world I might add).

See, I’m doing both: seeing a physical therapist, following their recommendations and doing the healing protocol my very well educated coach is recommending. I’m doing the smart thing from a medical perspective and our best guess from a performance enhancing perspective. If I demanded evidence for all this stuff I probably wouldn’t get anywhere. It just so happens that LLLT has a lot of evidence backing up its inefficacy. Performance enhancement, on the other hand, isn’t a valid medical pretext for research anywhere in the world currently.

All that aside: Can your coach claim to have a dual degree in Biology and Chemistry for the express purposes of performance and physique enhancement? No? Then keep your laughter to yourself.

Your obvious gatcha is rude and not appreciated. I’ll thank you to keep off my thread if you can’t be polite.
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I happened to speak with a Doctor yesterday and inquired about Near Field IR Light Therapy. She is a Podiatrist and has seen good results from localized use of small units.

My TRT doc has the monster tanning bed IR light therapy unit in her office for pain management and patients with Neurological issue, she swears by it. That was what got me interested in learning about it and sharing with you…someone who may benefit by it.

So between the “cherry picked med papers” (which are still med papers) and specialists in the field of medicine I spoke with, I wonder if you are correct. And if you are…there aren’t any side effect besides wasted time and a little money.

On the other hand, Insulin use for performance based reasons and high carb diet prescribed by someone who majored in Bio/Chem in college is a bit “shaky Science” is it not? And very dangerous too.

We all need to be polite no matter what thread we are on even if created by you. And you should not be so damn defensive having conversations with folks in our community. Take a deep breath, Chillax, and have a great weekend!
@Aude_Aliquid_Dignu I would then politely ask that you research on your own the placebo effect and the reliability of personal testimony. While you’re at it, check out a book called Bad Science, which explains how people abuse science to make a buck. Also just because you don’t have any respect for experts (hint: your TRT doc is very likely not an expert on LLLT) and systemic meta analysis (qualitatively different from isolated papers) doesn’t mean other people don’t. I will absolutely die on this hill.

I really don’t mean any offense about this, but unless you actually know how to interpret science, you probably don’t have any basis to speak on this. You have clearly demonstrated that you don’t. Therefore, you would do well with me to either learn how to do so or clam up.

I want you to know, before you get sore at me (this part goes for you too @Jonny): My purpose here isn’t to malign but to inform. I view it as my ethical imperative to make the best information I have available to you guys. People trade bad science all the time (especially problematic on these steroid boards) and make real decisions based on it. I would hope you would take some basic steps to educate yourself on these issues so you can make more informed decisions and possibly save some money and/or heartache. Our own personal biases are exactly what good science is meant to weed out — but only if you know how to interpret it and differentiate the good science from the bad. In lieu of that, it’s perfectly reasonable to rely on expert opinion — but only if the expert is properly qualified, current on the literature and free of bias.

I wish you a most excellent weekend as well. 🙂
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I was fortunate enough to attend a great high school with a great curriculum. Don’t remember what class it was but it displayed how data can be very skewed…easily.

Something like as the temperature spikes in large urban areas so does crime and ice cream sales…outlaw ice cream and crime will plummet.

I’ve never forgotten that analogy… been about a hundred years.
Poppy said:
Something like as the temperature spikes in large urban areas so does crime and ice cream sales…outlaw ice cream and crime will plummet.
This is called “p-hacking” and is quite commonly used to show correlations.
Fast fwd to now… my pcp is a very smart older man and often refers to medicine as poison. He’s very practical much like the doc on the video. He’s told me often that introducing a foreign substance (medicine) into a person’s body can go sideways quick.

He also has told me to hit the powerball and live a life of leisure to help mitigate the old man aches and pains. Hahaha
@Poppy Controlled poison but poison all the same. We give people medicine because we hope the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Sometimes, even with the best intentioned drugs and doctors, we wind up poisoning people essentially.

Science is hard. 😫
anabolic_geek said:
This is the first board I’ve found that both seems legit and seems filled with genuinely helpful people. I really have to commend @Bigmurph for fostering a positive environment to talk about this stuff freely and in a constructive way.
The things you value about this board, are the things we all value.
Be kind, and try not to talk down to people who share these words from your opening intro.
Echo chambers aren’t as much fun, I think.


Still out with the crud today. God I hope this ends soon. Saw my doc today and he thinks ADHD meds are part of my sleep issues. Gonna get checked for apnea — got a referral so I’ll be talking to that doc soon.

Finished getting caught up to partner in Umbrella Academy. Locke & Key drops next week so my next task is to get that out of the way.