Geek's Big Guns Recomp

Lucky it’s on my mostly not doing anything cra6 month just lift to lift before hard hypertrophy the rest of year maybe look for small meet in January or February so will do deca cycle in winter. This hypertrophy training will give reps to practice depth on squat and I got grip trainer dot make
Sure that’s on point
I got on here by accident. Sleep apnea is really serious condition. Theres 2 types plus a mixed. Obstructive and organic (my word) where signals just dont reach your brain to breath. Then theres a mixture of both. Obstructive can be helped surgically, postion, losing weight, and cpap…there are different levels but this is a very well studied problem. Sometimes bipap has to be used. The right settings on Cpap have to be there, yearly or screenings if you have OSA if you lose weight, gain weight…whatever. Ive been on a CPAP for years and I had complex sleep apnea. It took yearrs to get the settings right. I still felt tired in the morning, but the headaches and waking up feeling like i was being choked. My eyes looked like i just did a set of 3 with heavy squats. I had to get the mask fitting of a full mask because i cant breath through my nose, mouth breathing. Actually, changed my life once I slept “propped up” , i always would sleep i on my side. I have heard myself taped and heard even worse patients just stop breathing for seconds almost a minute many times per night. Ive never woke up…skipping through the tulips , happy and rested. But, ive noticed big changes over the years especially being an abuser of supps. Im a huge proponent of any of us " bigger guys" especially getting a sleep study. Thank you…had to comment.
My apologies. My intention before I got side tracked was to point out that much of what we’re all doing on here is bro science so it’s not fair to insinuate what your doing is obvious and IR therapy is complete bunk. I am by no means an IR therapy proponent. Your insulin use is just as controversial as IR therapy.

I’m sorry to have offended you.
@Jonny Some notes and caveats on the science stuff: even if a study is well constructed, not all of them will agree because that’s how probability works. Some will come back with true results and some will come up with false. A meta analysis is where they take all the studies done on a topic and add up all the participants into a single big pool to try and determine if the effect being studied is real or not.

These guys did a meta analysis on knee osteoarthritis and concluded that the light therapy was not effective. That’s an open and closed book for me. That said, it doesn’t rule it out as a therapy for other things. But it does call into question the legitimacy of it. Also, just because it’s “effective” in some contexts doesn’t mean it works as well as the standard of care. It’s one of those word tricks scientists use to make their research sound more important than it really is.

This handy dandy pyramid neatly summarizes how you should treat evidence when presented by anyone.


Long story short, systemic reviews and meta analyses are best. However as you’ve seen, you can find individual studies to support just about any claim you like if you sift thru enough of them (cherry picking). Because, as mentioned, that’s how probability works. Systemic analyses exist to help eliminate these biases.

It’s also worth pointing out that sometimes the people at the bottom of the pyramid are ahead of the curve! Most scientists in sports performance will tell you this, actually: they’re just validating what people are already doing in the real world. But also in absence of other forms of evidence, sometimes expert opinion is the best we have.


Huge improvement on my knee! IT band syndrome seems to be basically gone. Physical therapist has cleared me to return to the gym and I’ll be checking in with her in two weeks. She gave me some exercises to do a couple times a week to stave off problems. Soooo it looks like my cut is back on as planned.

All goes well, my next post to this log will be linking to the new one!
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@Poppy i do. I sit on ass and write code all day. That being said, my ADHD ass is super antsy, so about the only time I set off the immobile timer on my activity tracker is during theatrical movies and during my evening games.
I hear ya. I get deep deep into extremely complex blueprints to the point i have to leave a bread crumb trail to find my way back…it’s easy for me to sit for hours on end researching… compression socks help but I have to force myself to get up and walk. Our big boss is a good dude and insists on it…he gets it.
I can not say one bad word about management on my program. Very good folks. It’s a pressure cooker program. I wished I could divulge it.
Hey @Jonny! Also @Poppy i think. I talked to my coach yesterday and asked him about the reasoning behind the insulin and carb requirements on their TeamEvilGSP Healing Protocol.

The reasoning is that insulin breaks down into all kinds of goodies in the liver that assist in growth and healing. The increased carbs are there to help feed the insulin and ensure plenty of energy for healing.
The liver breaks GH down into several growth factors like MGF, NTF IGF, etc.

IGF stands for Insulin like Growth Factor.

When you have high levels of insulin a binding protein (insulin binding protein) upregulates.

IGF-1 binds to the same binding protein as insulin.

So having more of that binding protein means that you will have more bound IGF-1 which will disseminate slowly over time, providing a constant background radiation of the very anabolic IGF-1 instead of just this big spike once and lower levels the rest of the time.

Basically having a anabolic and anti-catabolic environment will lead to more healing
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Ya know… I’ve been walking around a little beat up lately. Nothing catastrophic just old man aches and pains with some minor strains…

My carbs have been extremely restricted lately. I might inch them up a bit to see if it helps my healing.
@Poppy I would also suggest dialing back the intensity a bit. Leaving a rep or two in the tank works wonders for recovery and you don’t sacrifice much in terms of gains.
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