SB Labs

BPC-157 vial prep help

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I’ve never used any peptides before and have BPC-157 sitting on my bathroom counter, and I’ll have my BAC water tomorrow. I understand that I inject the BAC into the vial containing the BPC (I’m assuming 5ML since it appears to be a 5ML vial) and just let it sit? I also understand that peptides are very fragile, so I’m assuming that I shouldn’t shake the vial? Any insight would be helpful. Thank you in advance!
Remove the vacuum seal from the vial by taking a slin pin and remove the plunger. Put it in the vial and it will balance the air pressure. Slowly drip the bacteriostatic water along the edge of the vial with it slightly tilted so the water doesn’t hit the powder directly. Slowly swirl the powder into solution. Keep it refrigerated at all times.

If it has 5mg BPC-157 in the vial add 100ius of water which is 1cc. This will make every 10ius of solution worth 500mcg BPC-157.
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First off I have never used any sarms or peptides. But when I mix HCG powder in vial and add BAC water. I get the BAC water in my 10ml syringe. But before I inject the BAC water in to vial I use an additional needle to help with pressure release when filling. Stuck in the rubber stopper next to my fill syringe. Roll the vial don’t shake it. And I aim the BAC on to the side of vial not directly into the powder.

I typed this earlier but got distracted by work and now just got back on site. :man_shrugging:t2:
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