SB Labs

Breaking News update on China ban on Raw powders

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Well-known member
OMG!!! Has anyone else heard anything about this yet? What does this mean for all our ugl’s. What’s goin to happen, is there going to be a drought, should we stock up???
What to do, what to do…
This is aimed at SARMs and the fetinol epidemic. It may effect us a little bit as far as prices but gear should be fine.
If things get real bad just tank your testosterone and go get a script for TRT.
I heard if you get drunk the night before a Testosterone blood test it cuts your test in half.
Does anyone know if this is true?
LoL nice i cant read the damn list its in Chinese…
Is there a way to change it to english:sob:😭

Keep scrolling down. Only the first page and some of the ending pages are in Chinese.

“Be like water.” - Bruce Lee 😂
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Great, im fucked! Guess im going natty when everything dries up, or goin to the trt doc like we talked about! WTF this is stressing me out
Yes it does. I can drop mine 400pts just by drinking a mtn dew and a candy bar 1 hr before labs, doc just looks at me and says well glucose is a little high lol. But have also been told by buddies staying up all nite and just eating crappy, will smash it
Never got a straight answer on whether drinking effects your serum levels or just production…cause I aint worried about production!
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