Bros that look angry at other bros

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I got this guy that works on the same construction site as me. He has his sleeves rolled up like it’s the guns show. He isn’t as big as me. There is another bro who is 55. He looks like a body builder. He is cool as hell. We talk about different workouts and AAS. He obviously uses gear. The gun show fella is younger than me. He walks around smiling and gets along great with everyone. Whenever I pass him by I will say hi or nod. He always ignores me and looks like he is pissed off. I wanna slap him lol. I have seen a couple guys in gyms like this but usually all the “muscle guys” seem to talk and joke and get along. What’s up with these few individuals??
You intimidate him so he is trying to act big because he is the type that has to show because he can’t actually do if you say hello and he doesn’t answer back fuck him he is dead if he falls just watch until someone calls him help.
I hate people like that but your probably like you said bigger and he is young I don’t understand why young guys hate older guys not all but I have seen this and I don’t really understand why
I guess what you and @Bigmurph say makes sense. But I don’t want him to be scared of me. I figured bros is bros. But if he not comfortable having another alpha male around then fuck him. Just don’t understand some people. Like the couple guys I’ve seen in weight room like that I notice always look at how much weight I have on machines like it’s a competition. And one thing you need to understand here in small town Wisconsin I am way way above avg in size. (Not including obesepeople). Not like when I was in California there’s tons of huge guys.
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Do you o ow if he has been part of the crew long. Some guys don’t open to the fng I’ll they been a roid a while cause they see so many come and go they don’t waste time getting to know people. I would y let it bother you hell in person I tend to be that way at work as I have the issue of sharing too much so I just don’t talk at all till I get a read on people
He is saying buddy might not know if you’re going to be there awhile and might wait until you have been a crew member for some time
Gotta be careful on the job site though. Mrs Rusty already told one of the guys working for the GC to fuck off. Hahahahaha. He was walking around barking at everyone flexing his GC muscles. Then he started barking at Mrs Rusty and I was down the hall and saw it. I just hid away down the hall and prayed please Mrs Rusty don’t short out. Well she did. He really pissed her off and she don’t back down no matter the consequences she way worse than me. I know when to throw up the surrender flag. Edit. Maybe I don’t know when to throw up the surrender flag always. But at work I usually know how to avoid a confrontation.
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And I’m not just trying to sound like a tough guy on my phone, I spent most my life tryin not to be like my parents,(laid back,not gonna confront people, being non-assertive) and then being a Marine, just made me better at being aggressive, it doesn’t always pay off, but it works for me on a regular basis.
Hmm… smoking used to be my thing to break the ice. Around the water cooler? Ha, around the chimney more like it.

I can think of a few things, he’s intimidated by you, has an interest in bodybuilding/aas but knows nothing about it so doesn’t know how to start a conversation, or he’s into you.

You can try a pose, get a look at his face, might be able to pick out which one of the three it is. lol
I’m with you on this @Kad1. If you actually care that he’s being a dick, say hey. I would just assume he’s a dick and let him walk around with his goofy ass sleeves rolled up.

I’m not a very social person. Most people assume I’m angry all the time. No matter how many times I tell them, it’s just my face.
I get from people a lot they thought I was always angry till they actually talk to me. Then I get serious you probably shouldn’t tell people that. I tel hey it’s your fault for talking to me know you see why I stay silent it’s for my own good at work
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