Bros that look angry at other bros

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Whatever makes you feel comfortable I’m open to any platform to talk to you on ain’t no different than just calling a buddy to me but you know I accidentally violate rules posting things I shouldn’t so you just tell me how you want to do it haha
Email bigmurph at ugmuscle dot com

I don’t buy or sell though so we can’t talk about anything like that but im interested in what’s helping you out brother

I agree with you 💯% it’s pretty sad how childish full grown adults can be lol I bet if you were overweight he’d be the nicest guy
I hope you start getting better @Bigmurph . I still have chronic pain with my joints I can work out when I have an episode and when I do I pay tremendously,I can only go once a week before it was everyday. It gets depressing some times. When in My early 20s I thought I was invincible
I miss 20s. If I could go back and be 20 again I’d do so many things different. Then again I wouldn’t be the same guy I am today if I didn’t go through all the shit.
That sucks and that’s the thing im just treating this like an injury. Just taking it slowly but trying to get back to it im struggling but its going to take time.
The joints when they act up is it just damage from over time?
Yeah brother I’m praying for you man. Its auto immune related it’s feels like someone pulled my joint out of socket and it can be any joint from shoulder neck back even my pinky finger the

n I’m layed up for a few days. My body attacks itself. Here’s a list and only a handful are detectable by blood test and I don’t have insurance so I’m fucked lol but I’m pushing through it,I feel fucking great other then that. Getting old sucks lol
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I know 2 people that suffer from that also they get really bad sometimes so I know that sucks brother im sorry to hear that I can only imagine smh
I know that one took forever to diagnose they just could never narrow it down and doctors told them different diagnosis for awhile.

I really appreciate those prayers brother bless you and yours.

I don’t have insurance either im going down because of this it is what it is right fuck smh
I wish you the best brother getting old does suck lol
Brother this is not medical advice although I’ve watched medical dramas on tv (hahaha)

But please fight the aging process tooth and nail… it truly is use or lose. The body can bounce back from setbacks but the older we get… the longer it takes and our chances of recovery are smaller and smaller. You’ve got to get your head in it… tap into your training knowledge that you know about YOU.
Poppy said:
Brother this is not medical advice although I’ve watched medical dramas on tv (hahaha)
Lol lol lol that’s great lol

What your saying is exactly why im in the position im in I waited almost 20yrs to deal with some of the issues im dealing with and if I would have just got it taken care of I wouldn’t be having that issue so bad.
Im older now and neglected myself alot and never worried big mistake and im paying for it right now but im also working on it Monday should be a big day for me to start getting really better I hope.

You are 100% right though and anyone reading this if its small it will eventually be a big problem.
Don’t neglect yourself, you are the most important thing
Yeah the input will get us the output we are looking for and I believe a lot of my health shit can be avoided by cutting out a lot of the sugar and shit out. Our immune system just gets weak over time from my research.
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