SB Labs

Brotherhood of pain Rumors. Site down


Staff member
Hey everyone. There’s a lot of speculation going on with Brotherhood of Pain. I’ve heard rumors for weeks on this stuff. Site is down from what appearance looks like and can be any number of reasons.

If you know anyone that was on there regularly feel free to invite them or use the invites in your profile for direct invites. If they were regulars there we’ll bump them up here as well. Just have them post on it.

I don’t want to add to the rumors but I pretty much know firsthand what went down and I’ll tell you what it’s never going to be back up again like ever…
there’s probably going to be some indictments as well…

With that being said I’ll reach out to some of the new members that joined over at ASF, I’m a super moderator over there with that being said I really cannot solicit another board but I can beat around the bush with giving recommendations to the bop members that are transplanting over… I hate all the politics when message boards get uptight about mentioning another, because reality is we all share the same common goal and we should be able to freely move about, but at the same time there is a rule of thumb not to openly advertise a completely different form, but given recommendations privately is a different story… In my personal opinion
I would do whatever I can to help get some traffic going on…
Just to let everyone know who might be from BOP or any where we welcome everyone. The way we do things here is really different than other forums and it’s what gives us our advantage.
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