SB Labs

Building your foundation


Well-known member
Time and time again we all see people wanting to run cycles mostly they fall into two categories … they want to get lean and “tone” or they want to get BIG. I think what they really want is to look good and feel better about themselves. Unfortunately that doesn’t come in a vial or a tablet. That is something that comes from within. But that is another post. What most people don’t understand or have knowledge of is that having a base foundation is what allows you to keep all that hard work you put in while on cycle. Time and time again we see posts from people saying “I did my PCT and I lost most of my gains.” Well, yes you will if you don’t have the base foundation laid, you are building your house on sand. It really doesn’t matter what goal you have in mind either,whether you are a woman and want to lose fat and tone up or whether you are a guy wanting to put on size.
For the gals we’ve probably all seen or experienced it. You diet your ass off lose some fat and then you come off the diet you gain the fat back and some. So you try some clen or T3… diet your ass off and when you come off the weight comes back.
For the guys, you all of the sudden start eating … a LOT and pinning some test and the weight comes fast and you grow… but then you come off, and you stop eating so much and your training backs off, you run your pct and voila you’ve lost most of your gains.
When you have a base foundation, you already have the diet in place and the diet is working, you may even have already altered the diet to keep the progress going. You start training, like you want it badly, and you make even more progress. You start laying the foundation for diet and training. You understand that the body wants to reach equilibrium and will eventually adapt to what you are doing and so you know that to keep progress going you keep changing things as the progress slows down. You continue to see progress, fat loss, strength increases, muscle size and you feel better and you look better. At some point the progress slows and you look for other tools to help you get to where you are going. This is where you do your own research on these tools. You look at the risk to reward ratio. If you are honest with yourself you step away from the quick weight loss tools because if you really do your research you know that they can do quite a bit of damage. You choose your tools wisely knowing that you have a good base to start from. You can move forward confidently because you know that it is not an all or nothing gamble on the compounds you want to use.
Great post and so true. Everyone always wants the quickest results and least effort. Unfortunately it’s the opposite that you need. Maximum effort and willing to understand it won’t happen overnight (at least not to stay).
My journey is going on three years and I’m still nowhere near what I wanted. I’ve been working hard and it’s paid off but time is the key diet is a huge part and then of course the effort and the Blood Sweat and Tears you leave on the gym floor is really what tops it all off. The gear you sprinkle on top and it gives it that polished look just like sprinkles on a cupcake.
Very true. I also have to say, you can tell in the physiques. A big reason people want this is they match their insides to the outsides of others. I really can’t believe all the people I talk to(really I can believe it) who never come off, don’t think twice about taking drugs that are used for cancer to battle a little nipple soreness but won’t find the dosage or type that works for them. No one really talks training or food anymore. For all of us pros or gonna be pros I really wish we realized long ago that this was a hobby and a very small part of who we are. I’ve noticed people who do this(took me 15 years) are the ones that are healthier and possibly happier, besides they turn professional or make money in bbing or fitness. Not the ones that skipped going out or vacations, dry off the chicken breast at a restaurant, bring Tupperware on a date to the movies, not to mention wearing T. Michael gymware in yellow, black, orange in public(that’s me?) I can make light of it because I did it. Thank god I wasn’t good enough to be a low level pro. I wouldn’t have a pot to piss in, and wouldn’t be able to enjoy training for life.
If you get to the point where it becomes an obsession then it is time to take good hard look at yourself and ask yourself some serious questions… the outside is a reflection of the inside. beauty comes from something more than a particular physique… people confuse beauty with being attractive… not the same things. I am at a pro level and I love what I do because of the process. I work hard at it because I have goals… but my goals are personal (that also happen to be professional) but my competition is with myself and improving over what I brought to the table yesterday … it is all about perspective and mindset
KodiakGrrl said:
beauty comes from something more than a particular physique… people confuse beauty with being attractive
That’s the truth right there there’s a lot more to Beauty then what just meets the eye. Beauty has to do with intelligence the way you carry yourself and act and then a few other things on top of that looking good is your physique not Beauty in my opinion
I’m happy I was taught or it was drilled into me young never base your human worth on anything that can be taken from you… By any means. Because it will. Its a hard pill to swallow but true so far. Man, I’m a buzz kill😊