Bulking cycle recommendations bulking workout plans?


Active member
Anyone give me good bulking cycle plans and bulking workout routine???
Im 5’5, 165 weight body fat is at 10% and one year experience with gear
Oh I’m 21 and looking to compete soon
This is your first cycle correct?

Testosterone 500mg split 2x a week and that’s all get clomiphene nolvadex and arimidex or aromasin your preference.
That’s all you will need for a first go run for upto 15wk if everything goes well if you have issues run 10 and stop the damage come let us know what happened you can be honest here no one will attack you here like other forums.
Get your blood work done and be responsible ask me anything once I can help I will but I hope that you have a solid diet plan or forget about everything
I have a year of experience I already did test only as my first first cycle back when I first started.
Then for my second cycle I did EQ with anadrol and test and adex.
I did a small cycle that was only for 4 weeks of trenA with testP and adex but that tren cough was harsh so I stopped.
Then, well now I’m taking Test P,NPP, Anadrol and Adex.
When I first started as in the Test only one I started, I gained 10 pounds of mass some of it was water weight. So I got up to 150 then I took a break went down to 145 then when I started my Anadrol with test and eq i went up to 155 and then again I took a break so I went down to 149 and now that I’m on anadrol,testp,npp I went up to 165. I’ve been on this cycle for 3 weeks in so far.
But obviously I need help cause I only know the basic stuff I want to know more of the experience stuff that’s the only way I’ll know by asking questions.
Also do any of you know any links of where I can read up on each steroid and there benefits.
Cause I know that Ment is a steroid but to be honest I don’t even know what it’s good for or what it does to the body that’s why I’m asking.
Also it never hurts to try different workouts especially when your bulking cause I’ve heard it beat to do compound workouts when bulking right?
I’m doing standard bulk test deca dbol right now. If I can enough food down it seems to be doing great for me

Thats our steroid profile category you can also search our website not Google for everything our magnifying glass searches ugmuscle.

Your cycles seem like a mess but I need you to write up your dosages

Test e 500mg split 2x a week 1-12wks
Npp100mg 3x a wk mwf 1-10wk
Anavar 50mg split 25mg 2x a day 1-8wk

Whats your bulking diet because you need your training
A planned diet with a breakdown of your macros protein carbs fats cals 4000+

How do you count your macros?

Do not take MENT that shit is super powerful you will not be able to pct you will need trt forever it will spike your estrogen and blood pressure to dangerous levels. You will need aromasin if running ment. I don’t believe that its a good compound for you
Have you ever run any blood work or you just go through cycles guessing?
Well I’m taking 400mg TestP per week
NPP 600mg per week
Anadrol 100mg per day which would be 600mg per week.
I pin every other day.
So I take it on Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun.
My daily calorie intake is about 3500-4000 a day.
Protein at 180 grams
Carbs at 800-1000
And my fat well I don’t really keep track on that.
I drink a gallon of water everyday and I have a protein shake right when I get up well 30 mins after.
That’s alot of nandrolone compared to testosterone are you using b vitamins caber or a dopamine antagonist? Any type of AI?
Your pinning is good I would probably eat alot more protein especially with all the nitrogen retention from the nandrolone so that you can grow but your right you have the basics but that’s it research diets and how much to eat to grow especially enhanced.

Good luck and good gains brother hope to hear updates
5’5" 165 testosterone and maybe proviron brother will do you well I also am not sure that your gear is real since your not having any gyno symptoms.
You can use a roidtest.com to test your products and see if there fake or real or something there not supposed to be we as members of ugmuscle get 20% off at checkout with code UGMUSCLE

Be safe brother were all about Harm Reduction