Bulking cycle recommendations bulking workout plans?

Haven’t done my blood work yet. Should I take more test then Npp?
What’s the difference between anadrol and proviron
So Im not the only one who noticed that he has been taking all this gear continuelsly for about a year with no break? Did I read this wrong. @Johnny you need a break bud. That’s alot of gear in a short of amount of time. When did you have the time to do PCT?
Whew. Oh boy.

Are you familiar with the concept, tough love? Bc that’s where we are headed. I’m not being a dick. You need to understand some things before you reach a point of no return.
  1. No one here wants/willing to spoon feed you all the information needed for you To run a cycle. Use the search function. Learn on your own. Learn all you can. “What’s the difference between Anadrol and proviron?” Look it up.
  2. You don’t seem to understand something very basic and very serious- this shit will kill you. Quickly. You’re playing around with some serious compounds, with serious secondary effects, and you have the attitude of making a sandwich.
  3. I noticed you said take a break, and not pct? Do you know what is required to pct? What it is? What meds it involves? Do you have some on hand in case something goes wrong and you need end your cycle?
  4. You need bloodwork done. Badly. Yesterday. Actually like two weeks ago. The whole thing. Testosterone, estrogen, prolactin, progesterone, CMP, CBC. You’ve been dumping gear (possibly bunk) into your body for a year without every checking up on it to make sure it’s okay.
  5. You need to test your gear. Murph already told you where to start that. I think your gear is fake, you can’t take 100mg of Anadrol and not blow the fuck up. Nor can you run NPP and test like that and not be losing your mind bc your dick hasn’t worked in a month.
  6. You have any ancillary support? Caber? Adex? Nolva? For this cycle? Liver support?
  7. 19nor and test ratio should be 1:1. Ideally test is double your 19Nor dose.
  8. I think you need to get your pct in order. Stop this cycle you just started and let your body recover. You need bloodwork badly. You wanna compete? Cool. You can’t complete if you need a liver transplant.
  9. Take this seriously. You’re on a path that leads to destroying your body for what cost? If you continue to use gear as negligently as you have been you’re going to kill yourself. Yes this is dramatic. Yes you want the answers and to run your gear.
No you will not be getting the simple quick answer from me, I don’t think you’ve done enough homework to even run a single cycle yet.

Good luck. Please listen to what the others have to say even if you don’t listen to me. Be safe.
@Johnny. Good morning sir. Let’s catch our breath. These guys are not berating you nor are they raising their voice at you. To put some context to this, I have kids way older than you. I am still relatively new to this forum. I’ve been using steroids for 35 years or so. I was a complete dumbass for decades, no internet no UGM etc. I came here with a hair brain half baked idea about my next cycle and got the same replies/advice/nudge as you are getting…but this is not about me it’s about you. Maybe spend some time browsing around this forum (there is endless knowledge), ask questions and vet your ideas through these guys and gals. I promise you will end up with the results you want…but safely.
Have anyone heard of alphagen it’s a Chinese/Japanese gear brand well that’s the one I’ve used well I’m using.
Yes I’m using adex with my cycle I’m taking 0.5 every other day.
So I should be taking 150mg of testp and 100mg of Npp in a pin correct? Cause test should be higher then npp dosage.
Yes I’m new and I don’t have experience in fact the bit that I have is bad.
When I said I took a break I let my body take a break with no pct when I did the test only cycle then when I did my second cycle I waited a month before starting my second cycle.
Yes now that I’m on a serious cycle which is the one I’m on I bought a pct from my friend. Nolva and clomid.
I’ve been getting my stuff(gear) from a friend but of course I decided to do my own thing and came across this Godly place full of greatness. In other words this website is like the Bible of the Gods. Lol.
But I’ll do as all you said.
I hope to get a sponsor from here.
Thank you brothers I appreciate it a lot!
These are the most knowledgeable AND polite guys I’ve ever come across. Don’t be hard headed brother. The fellas will hook you up so you can realize YOUR potential AND live a long healthy life.

And as a bonus you get to read a bunch of us rambling on about stuff.
Welcome brother!!! Please listen to these guys get all the blood work @NeuroRN suggested. Once you have the results post them and we will assess them for you. If neuro suggested it he will certainly read them for you just tag him with photos of the results. Don’t do anything else until you do this. For your safety brother.
Those are significant dosages for someone who does not have a lot of experience.

I’d focus on dieting as you said you’re about 165lbs.

Dieting alone can get you up to 175lbs-180lbs in about a year with eating and good solid work.

You said you’re 21 years old. I didn’t start experimenting with PEDS till I was 27 but I had been training since I was 15, got serious at 22.

Now at 35 I’m 190lbs-195lbs but like to be on stage at 180-185lbs.

I seriously would have waited till you put on a few more pounds from proper dieting than running a cycle.

Always know diet is everything young man!!

Best of luck train hard and stay out of trouble.