SB Labs

Cancer, COVID, Diabetes and a Root Canal

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Bro, you for sure we’re not complaining. More like just vomiting some life issues thrown at you that had to be overcome, before you could get back on the minimal AAS train and get them quads going. Brush it off and continue to kick ass Devil Dog!!
Glad you got a lot to fight for, that keeps people from dwelling on the adversity.

And after all doesn’t the adversity just make the sweet parts of life taste even sweeter?!
Just read this hope all is ok bro. I had cancer years ok and definitely know about those scans hated every one of them. Keep positive bro you got this.
My sister told my dad when he was sick and wanted to die cause of Covid that it’s typical that assholes seem to beat the odds and have more lives than the rest so not to get his hopes up. lol

I can tell you one thing I’m sure you are aware of but Glutathione is likely hands down the best thing you could be on in your situation.
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